The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 57 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.




I remember falling as a child
And being lifted by a faerie-wild
She kissed my cheek and mussed my hair
And then she wasn’t there.

Some blind folk see the faeiries clear
For faeries are always close or near.
Oh, better far than what we see
Are fairy wings that brush our faces
Like spiders’ webs or shimmering laces.

Such magical, lovely, lonely things.
A rustle in the wind reminds us
A fairy sprite is near.
Shush! Do not scare her
She is full of fear until her night is spent
Her tears upon the pillow-scent…

The crow she sings her lullaby as harsh as harsh can be
But the golden fairy goddess makes it so lovely for me.



◄ Shalom aleichem



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Trevor Alexander

Sat 13th Jul 2024 06:15

Compelling, as a faerie story should be. I like this.

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Leon G. Stolgard

Fri 12th Jul 2024 19:31

Fantastic fantasy John-cheers mate 👍

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