The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

Wedding Day

Once upon a time
in a land far, far away 
A boy and girl met
at a gathering one day 

When he left for home
they promised to keep in touch 
Living so far apart
didn’t faze them too much

Over time and tide
friendship turned into romance 
They travelled to and fro
whenever they got chance

One blue sky day
resting on a bench by the sea 
He asked for her hand
whilst bended down on one knee

Of course she said yes 
soon the marriage date was set
Paperwork completed 
strict visa deadlines met

The wedding day was perfect
just as they had planned 
They pledged vows of love 
and exchanged shiny, gold bands 

United at last
in harmony together
From this day forward
for always and forever 

Alexander and Naomi
your fairytale came true
Now, on this special occasion
we raise a toast to you

Written in the stars
each day will bring a brand new chapter 
As you share your hopes and dreams
happily ever after 


version 2


Once upon a time
in a country far, far away 
A boy and girl met
at a small gathering one day 

When the boy left for home
they promised to keep in touch 
Living so far apart 
didn’t seem to faze them much 
Over time and tide
their friendship turned into romance 
Travelling to and fro
whenever they got the chance

One blue sky day
they rested on a bench by the sea 
There, he asked for her hand 
whilst bended down on one knee

Of course she said yes
and soon the marriage date was set
Paperwork completed
strict visa deadlines were met 

Pledging vows of love
exchanging shiny, new gold bands
The wedding day went perfectly
just as they had planned 

United at last
in peace and harmony together 
From this day forward 
for always and forever 

Alexander and Naomi
your fairytale came true
Now, on this special occasion
we raise a toast to you

Written in the stars
each day will bring a brand new chapter 
As you share your hopes and dreams
happily ever after



◄ The Gift Of A Sea Glass Heart

Come On England, Again ►


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julie callaghan

Mon 27th May 2024 14:25

Thanks for the likes

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julie callaghan

Mon 27th May 2024 14:25

Thank you Stephen. Hope all good with you.

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Stephen Gospage

Mon 27th May 2024 08:16

A perfect speech for a perfect day. Best wishes to the happy couple and to you, Julie.

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julie callaghan

Sun 26th May 2024 20:26

This was my speech at my son’s wedding yesterday. Went with the first version and managed not to smudge my mascara.

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