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The Empire of Light

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We bathe in contradiction for a while,

Which harshness of proximity creates.

Magritte did not intend to reconcile;

Stand back or near, the viewer still debates.


Where does the darkness end and light begin?

It seems as though the night should not be here.

Yet lower down, the slowly gaining gloom

Sucks out illumination from the room.

Outside, a lamp burns weakly in its frame,

Defiant, as if fighting back a sin.

The lake side, barely visible, draws near.

Then, through the trees, the cotton-wool sky’s hue

Is painted in a blazing daytime blue.

Now darkness seems to hang its head in shame.


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Stephen Gospage

Wed 22nd May 2024 08:39

Thank you, Graham and Manish, for your generous comments.. I found it quite a challenge to write about this enigmatic painting, which I have known for over 40 years and which is at the heart of an exhibition to celebrate 100 years of surrealism in Brussels.

And thanks to Tom, Tom D, Hugh, Blackrose, Rudyard, Holden, Rose, Auracle and Larisa for liking this.

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Manish Singh Rajput

Wed 22nd May 2024 06:31

Another superb poem, Stephen. What I love about your poems is that they're very captivating and evocative and often leaves the reader wondering.
Thank you.

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Graham Sherwood

Tue 21st May 2024 09:16

This is fine writing indeed. It is easy to forget your non-Ukraine work Stephen and we are foolish to do so! Well done! G

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