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A Coachman's Lament

entry picture

Two horses or four,

Depended on how many

Passengers were to board.

An indestructible carriage

Made of lancewood, 

To carry some adults,

Their goods and brood.


Within the valley,

He sees two

Lovebirds marry,

Reminding him of 

A bygone matrimony.


The evening passes by


And a whole lot of

Missing the missing.


The night calls for

Some shelter and fire,

Crucial rest and some

Thoughts to retire.


Savages could intrude,

And so could the bears;

He instructs the passengers

To camp in pairs. 


When the fire ignites,

He watches two

Separated flames,

Brimming and burning

With a hope to reunite.


The morning felt bleak,

Watching beyond the valley,

Made him feel weak;


He watches two

Old lovers remarry,

Reminding him of

A heart that’s still

Unhealed and



But he had

A journey ahead,

And no time to let

The sorrowful tears

Freely shed.


He had passengers,

Their weightage and

Baggage to carry,

And no time

To think about

A bygone matrimony.



◄ Amnesia

Flying Pollen ►


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Manish Singh Rajput

Sun 21st Apr 2024 16:21

Thanks a lot Tim and Stephen for your most generous comments, it means a lot to me.😊

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Stephen Gospage

Sun 21st Apr 2024 08:49

Another splendid poem, Manish.

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Tim Higbee

Sat 20th Apr 2024 19:56

Very clever Manish. I like how you used the coachman to inject the present into the past as he thinks about his past.

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