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Just Go

Take the leap and embrace the fall. We all fall. From the moment we learn to walk, we fall, inevitably. however, we have the loving cushion and subsequent embrace from our parents to shield us.

You're doing good.

Take a chance and embrace the fall, or perhaps, enjoy the fruits of your success, efforts, and the learning mechanism.

You're doing great.

Don't be scared, don't be bolted down to a path predetermined by let downs and sorrows, terrible nightmares screaming at you that you're making the same mistakes.

You are doing excellent.

Be scared. Be nervous. Be the absolute opposite of your normal self. Take a chance and embrace the fall, you will like it much better.

Talk to the loner. The one that speaks the least has likely observed the most. Eat at that dirty restaurant, the one that has old rings from past patrons resting their drinks on the splashed, soapy, unclean tabletop.

Would you rather be a dirty ring on an unclean tabletop? Or take the fucking leap and embrace the fall?

You are immaculate.


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Evan Tyler

Sun 21st Apr 2024 17:07

Thank you so much Helene. I agree, writing is a therapy for me as well. It has been helping me with quite a bit. I appreciate the kind words, and I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Thank you

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Sun 21st Apr 2024 16:21

Keep writing Evan! I am 69 years old and writing has been a life-long therapy for me. Getting thoughts, emotions, and observations on the page somehow lifts me up and helps me transcend all the trials and tribulations we face. Love the lines "Talk to the loner. The one that speaks the least has likely observed the most. Eat at that dirty restaurant, the one that has old rings from past patrons resting their drinks on the splashed, soapy, unclean tabletop." Puts the reader right at the scene. Awesome writing!

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