The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.


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Naive enough to believe that it's true –

the world spins around the old red, white and blue.


God set it up, and so surely it's his.

He'll keep it forever, I’m sure his plan is


to return some fine day and then next I suppose,

he'll start a campaign and go after your vote.


He'll take out some ads and he'll put up some signs.

He'll make lofty promises, "Things will be fine!”


“As soon as I'm President, Heaven will come.“

“Just give me your vote and the rest will be done."


Can't you see just how foolish the thought of this is,

for when he returns, he will take what is his –


the keys of the kingdom and throne to this world.

All life living under a new flag unfurled.


So as the end nears just remember one thing,

Christ isn't a president… he is a king.


Jesus Christchristsecond coming

◄ When The Darkness Falls

Blind ►


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