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Mum, can I have a party

Mum can I have a party 

those dreaded words to hear 

for the mum who hates to socialise 

but have to once a year 


The birthday balloons 

Those upbeat tunes 

fake smiles all around 

The screaching  kids 

it costs hundreds 

there's food all on ground 

You love to see them with there friends 

but can't quite wait for  when it ends 

Your people skills Arnt up to par 

'I think I'll go hide in the car '


but when the day is over , and the party is all done 

" my day was wicked , I've had a blast " 

But your so glad it's done


Your still quivering from it all 

the kids are buzzing they've had a ball

your heads still spinning from the noise,

Your car is loaded , full of toys

you just can't wait to go to bed 

to calm the noise inside your head 


But its all worth it just to see 

those smiling faces beam at me


I wish I could be that type of mum 

who loves it all , who thinks it fun


rather then a stress fueled mess 

It's not all fun, it just means stress ! 

but I'd do it all again for you 

I'll grit my teeth and make it through 

So you can have your perfect day 

So you can see your friends and play 


One thing you never realise 

when you become a mum 

the amount you have to socialise 

and trust me that's no fun ! 

















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Anita Brooke

Mon 4th Mar 2024 14:24

Hi Sarah, I really enjoyed this - I'm so sorry to hear that you find being mum at times so stressful but well done for going ahead with the party anyway - you're obviously a great mum - I think it's a very heart-felt clever poem.

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