The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Mixed vibes

Mixed vibes and twisted minds

A dangerous game that he plays

For all those demons he tries to please

But in the end, he himself is the one to pay


Giving mixed vibes to keep the demons satisfied,
He thinks he's playing with fire, but he's just lying.
Using manipulation as his twisted therapy,
Keeping others guessing, causing them to worry.

Every decision he makes, with a second thought,
To see what lies beneath, the darkness he has brought.
His heart filled with evil, burning like a flame,
Disaster always follows, no one can tame.

He believes he's acting with the best of sanity,
But really, he's just playing with emotions and vanity.
Creating a disharmony, a chaos of the soul,
Leaving behind a trail of pain and bleak holes.

With every word, he plays his deceitful game,
Positive one moment, negative the same.
Running errands with his dubious word play,
Forever filling minds with pieces they can't sway.

A puzzle never solved, a maze never escaped,
For his intentions and actions are constantly shaped.
A game that does not entertain, but devours the mind,
Leaving behind a darkness, impossible to find.

Mixed vibes and twisted minds, a dangerous combination,
For those demons he tries to please, he's just a mere pawn.
In the end, he's the one to suffer and pay,
For playing with fire, is never a game to play.


◄ Demons at play

The neighbours ►


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Thu 4th Jan 2024 15:09

Thank you. Ceallaigh

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Thu 4th Jan 2024 11:10

Thanks Watts.
Twisted minds-a lot of them about.

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