The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

The diadem of the land

A diadem of sovereignty, a symbol of royalty

made up of Unique jewel of valley surrounded by the rarest gold of Mountains 

 Waited for it's rightful place to dwell with all its treasures and troubles

After an indefinite hunt for a secular and Democrat souls

Chosen the queen of peninsula and set its heart on hers

The diadem added beauty to the queen and to the land it added fortunes

The charm it holds and the raving beauty it has grabbed the eyes of countries and kingdoms 

As it's glory spread beyond the boundaries

The chances of being purloined reached the skies

The queen did the best to keep it fortified and unimpaired


As the time goes by

 the diadem was passed through generations 

And it was Crowned on the peninsular queen's multitudinous heirs 

The diadem never deprived it's charm and it's serendipity even the ages have gone

Numerous eyes surrounded the diadem 

and countless hearts fancied to have one

It often got heisted and restored, but never dwelt on the heads of the others

As the time passes on ,

Somewhere down the line the glory of diadem among the queens was faded

There came a day that no one didn't thought of

A new queen was Crowned with unhackneyed hope

Considered the crown as archaic and obsolete

Made her own new crown and replaced the relic of bygone age

Left the diadem open and wide with no intrigue and stow 

As it shines in the dark and reflects in the light

Caught everyone eyes while they passed by

And it got stolen and lost,

The disappeared crown created the despair 

As the Queen came to know the diadem was lost 

And announced alimony to those who find the crown

News spread all Over the kingdom

But it raised a rift between two mobs

As One found it's precious jewel 

And another it's band made of precious gold

without the other doesn't form the complete crown

One who had the jewel wants the gold

The others Denied of giving it

Started with denial and protest

Continued with deaths and destruction

Left the city with burns and ashes

Land of jewel turned into land of blood

Nothing was done to stop this ardent havoc, 

How can the problem can be solved?

Who is responsible for all this ??

Isn't the queen who should be sober??



◄ A slit on a rock

I've come a long way ►


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