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Tumble in the wind

Too many words
the king's reign
my heart 
conspicuously silent
when addressing
midnight feasts or Lenten fasts;
nothing lasts
except the majesty of the momentary
singing singularity of an event horizon
where voices echo broodingly
like dark eyes at a funeral.

The sky blends darkness and light
surrounds us in a tumbling embrace.
We are left here, in this solemnless place,
hearts ache for what could have been.
We search for solace, for peace within,
but all we find is an eerie stillness.

No words can express what we feel,
it is as if our tongues have been sealed.
The silence speaks for our sorrow,
of our fading hope that tomorrow
will bloom anew.

We stand, pondering, longing
for the past, the present, the future
to entwine in a moment of solemnity
where memories linger like a mourning song.

The fragility of life, our mortality,
touches us all like a fleeting dream,
while our hearts are filled with gratitude
for the blessings of time and its spare treasures.

We stand in solemn stillness,
our thoughts a silent prayer.
The weight of present miseries
we cannot fully bear.
Time passes us too quickly
our memories will fade
of all that was so faithlessly


◄ May day

September rain ►


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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sun 7th May 2023 08:28

Thank you John.

"...all that was so faithlessly

Speaks volumes of these times.

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John Marks

Sat 6th May 2023 22:23


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Sat 6th May 2023 22:13

And art is the path to helping others understand.

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John Marks

Sat 6th May 2023 21:57

Thank you so very much Clare. Your appreciation of my words lifts my heart.

" Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others."

Jonathan Swift

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Sat 6th May 2023 21:33

I have said it before and I will say it again, differently this time. Your writing is breathtaking, give me back the air to my lungs!

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