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Run Rabbit Run

On the farm, it's rabbit pie day

But the poor little rabbit didn't know that.

She missed the memo, too absorbed in gathering carrots

To think about the path she took home.

The farmer was out with his friends, laughing with a cigarette

Dangling from his lips. He was looking for the perfect morsel for his

Wicked pie when he saw the little rabbit snuffling around in the bushes.

“Hey!” he yelled, startling the small creature.

She couldn’t understand what he said next, but how he said

Those sickly sweet,

Those hideously objectifying words

Made her tiny rabbit heart race.


Run, rabbit, run, rabbit, run, run, run

The rabbit hopped along a little faster, hoping the farmer

Would lose interest. After all, prey that runs

Should be no fun.

But the farmer wasn’t about to give up his

Pretty rabbit pie.

With each step, the rabbit’s lungs filled with fear.

Her blood ran cold as she looked behind her to see

Him and his friends pacing not far from her.

Rabbits can’t count very well, but she knew there were

More than she could handle.


Don't give the farmer his fun, fun, fun

The little rabbit was as fast with her thoughts as she was

With her feet, so she took the opportunity when she rounded the corner

To dart into the parking lot.

A giant truck swerved around her, the driver swearing under his breath.

She barely noticed, ducking behind the trunk of a car and

Peering around the side.

Her wide eyes found the farmer as he traced her steps.

She knew he’d have her if she didn’t do something soon.


Run, rabbit, run, rabbit, run, run, run

Every instinct in her body told her to run,

So she did.

Through the cars, through the trucks, through the motorcycles,

Through the people she ran.

She ran faster than she ever had in her life.

All of the first place medals she’d hung on her dresser were meaningless

With how fast she got to her metal burrow and tucked herself inside.

She shook as the farmer passed her by,

Looking for the next little rabbit to prey on.


catcallingrabbitsnursery rhymegirlhoodwomanhoodteenage bullshit

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sun 28th May 2023 20:19

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Manish Singh Rajput

Mon 1st May 2023 07:17

A fascinating run-chase story, Elle. I've enjoyed reading it. Very well written.
Thank you.

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