The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 57 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

Don't Gi' Mi Dad a Mid-week Sub


Don’t gi’ mi Dad a mid-week sub

He’ll piss it against a wall

Hang on… t’ya dosh till the job is done

Then you can gi’ ‘im it all


Don’t gi’ mi Dad a mid-week sub

NO…. wait till the job is over

If he’s brass in ‘is pocket…. ‘e wain’t come back

Leastways…. He wain’t come back sober


He’s fast-and-rough..... wi’out a drink

But He loses his speed…. after beers

So if ya gi’ ‘im a mid-week sub

You know that it’ll all end in tears


Don’t sub mi dad a penny

Cos ya know that he’ll spend it in t'pub

NO…Wait until he’s finished the job

Don’t gi’ ‘im a mid-week sub



◄ Our Dad's Battle With The Booze

A Hard Frost ►


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