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Flamingos: A Sonnet

Flamingos: A Sonnet


When this wild world treats in ferocious rage,

Gentle souls who wish for bless'd peace

Seek naught save prospects to turn a page,

Fain to quit tumult for succor's sure increase

As, swathed in blissful nativity's deep tenderness

Beneath mountains mirrored in cold lake shores,

Life's ravages settle like flamingos of slenderness,

Their fire eyes burning relief that rest restores.

From past migrations elders bow in recognition,

Greet once more far upland slopes in mists

That dance and vanish like the caped magician

Unveiling ascension with a wand's frail twist.

                Oh pity this world, her fates old and new

                When the stars go out where the roses grew.


Christopher Hubbard



◄ Rebel


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