The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Market


TV, radio, online:

House prices

House prices

House prices

House prices

House prices

House prices


Unsustainable, Downturn, The bubble, will burst!

Never remotely happens,

avoid these stories

Scroll past, scroll, scroll


Turn it off,

Ignore, but there it is again.

House prices

House prices.

And the uncomfortable feeling remains

Like a filthy tattoo.

Hype and greed will always win.



A home

A place

A need and not a want.

Needs should not be held hostage

by agents, and

faceless investors

If this was food??? civil unrest in days.

But the market grinds on.

Unstoppable No conscience No accountability

No care

Misery propagates

Then somehow.

I’m an owner.

Suddenly a great relief

No nightmares, no stress.

Comfortable in the knowledge that I’m not pissing money to a faceless investor.

A bit smug, but I haven’t forgotten what it was like.

Smug knowing I’m not being squeezed out of the market

Smug that my property value is increasing

It’s hard not to take pleasure in others misery

I don’t want to be that person..

But its compelling

I understand now.

house salerentlandlordinvestors. homeless

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Somewhere in Spain ►


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