The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Ted Walter's Competition Results 2010

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Announcement of results of all winners; runners-up; third placed, and short listed  (Sunday 1st August 2010) For ‘The 4th Annual Ted Walters International Short Story, Poetry and Playwriting Competition 2010’

Organiser Tommy McBrides says, "Many thanks for all of the support from our very kind sponsors for this year; thank you to each and everyone of you who entered the competition; together we have managed to raise another £513.00 for our chosen charity, the Macmillan Cancer Support."

Short Story:

Winner: ‘All the way to Heaven’ Jan Bengree, Chester. Cheshire.
Runner Up: ‘Priorities’ Richard Gibney, Dublin. Republic of Ireland.
Third Placed: ‘And his spit was black’ Dr D Bruton, West Linton. Scotland.

Short Listed for the Short Story Section:

‘Fair Game’ Andrew Dutton. Derbyshire.
‘The Doll’ Pam Gibney, Andover. Hampshire.
‘Black Crow Day’ Ruth Mitchell-Davidson, Algarve. Portugal.
‘Half Empty’ Catherine Young. London.
‘Fitter, Happier’ Steve Bishop, Moseley. Birmingham.
‘Journey to Everywhere’ Joanna Campbell, Bisley. Gloucestershire.
‘A Pious Woman’ Dennis Lewis, Bridgend. South Wales.

Poetry Results:

Winner: ‘See Saw’ Roberto Rodriguez, Macclesfield. Cheshire.
Runner-Up: ‘More Spiritual than Religious’ Catherine Evans, Birkenhead. Wirral.
Third Placed: ‘Mottoes on sundials’ Mandy Pannet, Pulborough. West Sussex.

Short Listed for the Poetry Section:

‘A Photograph of my mother visiting a Seismic crew’ Rona Laycock. Gloucestershire.
‘Downhill’ E.K.Wall. Bristol.
‘Digging’ Simone Mansell-Broome, Llanysul. South Wales.
‘A Great Goal’ Deborah Harvey. Bristol.
‘Crosby Sands’ Ellis Lloyd, Lymm. Cheshire.
‘Yeats Exhibition’ John Davis. Liverpool.
‘The Old Woman Dreams’ Isobel Thrilling, Romford. Essex.
‘On This Full Pub’ David Woods, Formby. Merseyside.

Playwriting Results:

Winner: ‘Temptation’ Steven Bailey. Liverpool.
Runner-Up: ‘Why Are You Still Here’ Dr Anderson Bloomfield, Chipping Norton. Oxon.
Third Placed: ‘The Sailor home from the Sea’ Peter Harrison, Altringham. Cheshire.

Short Listed for the Playwriting Section:

‘The Code Red Conspiracy’ Dr Philip Leeson. Liverpool.
‘Billy’s Coming Home’ Ann MacClaren, Ross-Shire. Scotland.
‘Cathy’s War’ Claire Booker. London.
‘Different Worlds’ Brian Webster, Rotherham. South Yorkshire.
‘Cleaners’ Rob Payne, Southport. Merseyside.
‘In The Net’ Michael Law, St Albans. Hertfordshire.

Group Short Story Winner:

‘Escorted’ Pam Bailey-Philburn, Fairfield. Liverpool.

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