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Deep Last Autumn

Deep Last Autumn


Deep, deep last autumn

Trees more brown than green,

Winds curled round corners,

Hedgehogs slept unseen.


Across the water meadows

Magpies caroled and sang,

Skylarks dined on stubble

And ancient church bells rang.


Up, up did my eyes explore

The burnished vault in rain,

In search of timely shelter,

And sanctuary from pain.


As I walked on in silence

The eastwind heaved a growl,

Stone walls set to whistle

And shuttered dogs to howl.


Flurries swished a warning

Of baleful snows to come:

'You'll be buried by the morning,'

Whispering:'You'll succumb.'


Down, down I slipped and fell,

Till the darkling veils relented

And I saw the newly blanching clouds

Through frozen eyes tormented.


Then a new sun shining high

Revealed a scene of drama;

My deliverance as a miracle

In shocking panorama.


In the distance Mountain Rescue

Moved closer by the second,

As eagles patrolled the blue above

And salvation beckoned.


In this way I beheld my life,

Saved from nature's jaws,

As deep, deep last Autumn,

My last Autumn nearly was.


Chris Hubbard





◄ Lifeboat

Saint Petersburg ►


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Chris Hubbard

Tue 8th Jun 2021 21:42

Thank you for kind thought Stephen. I rattled this one off in double quick time.

The better verse seems to come out when I don't think too much.


Chris Hubbard

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Stephen Gospage

Tue 8th Jun 2021 16:48

A great piece of verse, Chris. So glad you made it!

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