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Wait with me for death

until it arrives, then weep

and make sure I'm missed.


Victorian Smut

Show me those ankles!

Yes! Now, touch that clavical...

baby, work that hair. 



Don't take this from me.

I've put so much into it:

it is my purpose. 




Hold my hands tightly,

certain of where they have been,

or just let them go



I want to be you.

You are so normal and good.

I can't be happy.



Silence is a gift

I don't give to anyone

but you: I love you. 



If it's over now,

you have to say, "fair enough,"

you can't blame them.



I think this could work.

We could have something special,

I just need to change. 


Parallel Lies

True love never dies

but nothing lasts forever,

so, work that one out...



God is everywhere,

he's in the glistening sun...

he's just not in jail.


Easter Pride

Jesus died for you:

God made you gay for reasons.

Go and live your life. 


◄ Be Reasonable

The Nutter ►


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