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Wooden Bones Were Willing

When our ships met again in open seas
our eyes met in the salt air
under gull cries
a vow was kept
testified by Neptune
for sundry nereids inspirited
the disclosure of secret love

you are gentle,
& the wise know you,
my feeling was divulged to you
but I bear the curse of graves
previous voyages
strong vessels with wooden bones,
scattered at the bottom

a sounder ship is awaiting
the occasion to navigate
through stormy wrecks
to embrace you
I know seasoned sailors
have already ventured
your cliffs and crags,
but as the ocean is unpredictable and wild,
my love for you is obedient to dare–

if you would but show me
that you would share
a harbor with me
until sunset.

my heart is bared
like the sea turtle without a shell,
you have the skeleton key that unlocks
my loaded treasure chest,
the mechanism is rusted–
but you can still open it, and I tremble
waiting for the noise
of turning tumblers,
but you
have delayed, and my bones
quake at the possibility
of unrequited love sinking me
down into the pitch




© –Limericist 2009 


unrequited love

◄ The Ride Home

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