The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

Wanted - Poet Laureate

entry picture

The search is on to find Warwick’s Poet Laureate for 2010/2011, and if you’re over 18 and live in Warwickshire – it could be you!

Warwick Words is holding its seventh annual competition to find Warwickshire’s next Poet Laureate. This is an honorary post for which there is no payment, but you will be commissioned to write and perform poems about Warwickshire throughout the year.

To enter the competition, you must send four poems, including one based on the National Poetry Day theme of ‘Home’, and a statement of interest. The poems must not exceed 40 lines (excluding title), and the other three can be on any subject you wish. Each poem must be given a title, and your name must not appear on the manuscript, as they will be judged anonymously. The closing date is Friday, 20th August, 2010, and winners will be notified the week commencing 20th September. The winner and runners-up will be given the opportunity to read their winning poems at an event to celebrate the launch of the Warwick Words Festival on Friday, 1st October at Warwickshire Museum.

Entry to the competition is free but must be on an official entry form, which you request by email from:

◄ Cardiff Poetry Winners!

Spotlight Performance Workshop ►

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