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Who is the criminal?

The guns fired the last bits of pieces

His father shot dead, his mother ripped

His only love of life blood bathed

And his children's body far plunged in hell

What a gruesome sight that was shown to him

He turned a big bold demon hating everyone

He vouched to avenge the crime done

And toned up his sinews and heart muscles

On a fire fleeting day he was pulled down on the road

Before all the villagers his body from the tree rose

He was hanged there till death and the rope was pulled strong

What an awful sight and what an ugly death he did die

Many an innocent souls they did torture

Many a times the crimes aren't done by people

But the government of the states decides our fate

And let's us die an abhoring death, which most of us fear and awfully dread

The death icons are searching for such powerful souls

To snatch them out from there bodies and throw them in deep sea waters

Or to hang them at the village tree, to teach others a lesson

◄ Going home tonight

Awfully sad ►


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