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Exist (Based on last night's dream)

City lights were the faint hum

of the ghost riding the rails,

struggling to exist,

but I was going the wrong way.

Trains screamed overhead,

and strangers blurred

before tired eyes.

Nobody was taking me home.

I couldn't go back,

and if I tried,

the price would be heavy.

So, here I was

in strange territory,

fading to black,

but I don't want to disappear.

But nobody will take me home,

so where do I go from here?

And sunlight trickles in

against faint dreams

that cling

like spiderwebs,

and a ghost rises

to a new day,

trying to exist.


Exist (Based on last night's dream)

by, Melissa R. Mendelson

◄ Krimson Darkness

Sleeping Lives ►


<Deleted User> (4235)

Sat 22nd May 2010 21:48

Hi, Winston. My dreams are a definite source of inspiration, spiraling into a million thoughts.

Thank you. :)

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winston plowes

Sat 22nd May 2010 21:33

Loved this Melissa, good to see a recent one from you, and inspired by a dream too, fab. You could go anywhere from those first 3 lines which grabbed my attension briliantly. Win

<Deleted User> (4235)

Sat 22nd May 2010 17:08

Thank you, Dave. I didn't realize it was a scientific fact. I wonder if remembering dreams from a long time ago is better in women than men too.

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Dave Bradley

Sat 22nd May 2010 10:02

What an intriguing and atmospheric poem. Apparently it is a scientific fact that women are better at recalling their dreams than men. Recalling the facts is one thing but the mood and feelings is another, and this does it very well.

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