The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

The 2010 Book & Pamphlet Competition

entry picture

The Poetry Business is now inviting entries for its 24th Book & Pamphlet Competition, to be judged by award winning poet Simon Armitage. And, thanks to sponsorship from the National Association for Writers in Education, the prize this year totals £2000.

Entrants are invited to submit a collection of 20-24 pages of poems for the chance to win a share of the prize money; three first stage winners will receive pamphlet publication and an overall winner will have their book published by Smith/Doorstep Books.

In addition, entrants with a Sheffield postcode will automatically be entered into the Sheffield Poetry Prize category. The best single poem from their collection could win them £100, publication in ‘The North’ magazine, and an opportunity to read their winning poem at a ‘Poetry Business’ reading.

The deadline for entries is last post on 29th November, 2010, or 1st December for online entries. There is an entry fee of £25, or £20 for subscribers to ‘The North’ and friends of the Poetry Business, and there is a £1 surcharge for online entries.

For full details please go to:

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