The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

Poets in 'Place'

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Poets from the Pennine Lancashire Poetry Stanza will take to the stage at Molly’s Café, on Moor Lane in Clitheroe, on Thursday, 20th May.

The event called ‘Place’ is part of the Ribble Valley MayFest 2010, and has a community and nature theme. Readers will include writer and editor, Jo Harding (Clitheroe Books), and the extensively published Phil Burton, a.k.a. Pip the Poet, who visits schools and libraries throughout the U.K., providing performances and workshops.

The readings will start at 7.30pm, although the café will be open from 6pm for meal. Tickets are £2 and include a complementary anthology of poetry.

For more details please see our gig guide.

◄ Bath Japanese Arts Festival

The Manchester Poetry Prize 2010 ►

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