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The Dentist #2

He was not my regular dentist.

I was in the chair, reasonably relaxed.

His fingers were deep in my mouth

When the new assistant, a young lady,

Made a casual comment,

Something about going to the shop

For shoes or a handbag.

His fingers froze in place

And the tips sent shock waves

Through the tissue of my cheeks.


He said something short and she left the room.

He turned back to me and removed his hand,

His face suitably 'schooled', the ultimate professional.


I said quietly, 'That was tactfully handled.

She has no idea you were so angry.'


His eyebrows shot up. 'I wasn't angry.'


'Ha!' I laughed.

'Fury fired through your fingertips

Like bullets from a machine gun'


'My God!'

He was shocked.


'I take it she's on trial?'




'Bermudians are very casual.

They don't always guard their thoughts.

Maybe it's an 'island' thing,

Sometimes endearing, not always appropriate.

She has no clue that she shocked you.'

I paused. 'We're finished here, yes?'


'Yes.' He was bent over his tray of tools.


'Thank you.'

I gathered my few things and I left.

I have no idea what happened next.

He was not my regular dentist.

◄ The Young Minister

Magpie in the Morning ►


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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sat 18th Apr 2020 13:59

Some experiences just stick in your mind.

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