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The Warrior

Another battle fought towards the war that was won, 

    and marked the setting of a raging sun.

The winds that blew with her battle cry,

    now calm to a whisper but do not die.

The fire that burned so wild with fright,

    continues to burn through day and night.

The river of hope runs strong and true,

    it carries hope, faith and love back to you.

The earth beneath her pounding feet,

    grows and protects her from the dying worlds heat.

Her gauntlets shine and her brestplate gleams,

    but nothing is ever as it seems.

The wounds will heal, the sleep returned,

    and all the horrers will be buried and burned.

But now it is time to recover and rest,

    regain all energy, return to your best.

For there are still many battles to be fought,

    so return to yourself, then they can be sought. 


Sophie J Pugsley

April 2020


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