The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

Litro and IGGY Competition

entry picture

Litro Magazine, along with IGGY, is launching its first short story competition, and the winner will receive a grand prize of £2,500.

Litro is a free monthly literary magazine that publishes, new and original short fiction, distributing 100,000 copies around the U.K. every month, in libraries, underground stations, galleries, bars, and cafés, as well as online; and IGGY is an international network of the brightest and most creative young people aged 11-19.

You can write your story in any genre but the length of each story must not exceed 3000 words. The closing date for all entries is 5pm on Friday, 25th June. There is no entry fee, though you can support Litro Magazine by subscribing. You can find the full rules and regulations and how to enter, and also subscribe to the magazine, on the website at:

And you can find out more about IGGY at:

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Bath Japanese Arts Festival ►

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