The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.


the path of destruction was miles wide

nothing remained

no supplies, no money, no homes

against all odds, how does one person rebuild?

to create an empire on the ruins of a city is monumental 

the horseman assessed the situation and became overwhelmed

starvation had begun to set in when the blacksmith caught sight of him

he asked the horseman how he survived

the horseman had no answer 

but without words they began to sow the seeds of the future in the fertile ground 

food became plentiful, and the blacksmith fashioned a shining set of armour for the horseman and his horse

the horseman knighted himself and built a small castle 

soon other survivors returned to their ruined land and rallied around the horseman and the blacksmith 

the blacksmith asked, where were they when we were only beginning?

the horseman had nothing to say 

without words they built a kingdom 

the harvest was bountiful and the destruction of the past was soon just a memory

only the horseman and the blacksmith remembered 

the blacksmith asked, why do we deserve these riches and praises? we are only a horseman and a humble blacksmith 

the horseman was silent for a long time 

finally he said

because we were here 

we were here and we believed 

and we were together

◄ Monologue

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