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Hopeless poet with a flare for getting hyper fixated on writing until my attention is taken elsewhere. 22 years of age and counting, and a lot more cheery than my poetry repertoire suggests. I don’t have a specific genre I stick to but there’s probably always going to be some invisible string that draws me back to poetry about mental health, broken homes and queer sexuality. It’s inevitable.
Same-Sex Supernova
A burning cosmos imploding with an utterance of words, that like star dust, glazes fires over once-barren nights. Stars flicker out like dying eyes, that upon seeing the universe in abundance, lay witness to nothing as spectacular, as this, our same-sex supernova.
This Gone Too Long Phantom
You were in his flashing smile, his spit ridden explanations of his shortcut route home, and I found you in his smell, floating between whiskey and car air freshener, this stranger, who wore your every mannerism like an old fleece, who pulled up outside my maisonette and charged me £5.50 for the pleasure. But the pleasure was all mine you see as the journey home with this gone too long phantom was ever priceless, and far too short.
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Blog entries by Connor Hamilton
Next Up on Heartbreak FM (14/12/2021)
King's Cross Robots (14/09/2021)
From the Winter of Discontent (14/09/2021)
Creativity's Passing (14/09/2021)
This, That, This, That (14/09/2021)
Cautious Kisses (14/09/2021)
On Sunday (29/08/2021)
From A Distance (29/08/2021)
Murder on the Playground (29/08/2021)
Racing Thoughts (29/08/2021)
Read more entries by Connor Hamilton…
Blog link: https://www.writeoutloud.net/blogs/connorhamilton
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Connor Hamilton
Sat 28th Aug 2021 03:32
Haha I couldn’t not get in on the fun. + it’s just one extra way to keep in touch ?