The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Poet Directory

[4913 profiles]

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Writing has help me close many wounds, learning to write poems and hopefully to …

Lisa Coleman

The way to feel about it is the momentum and speed the whole thing and being gre…



Jakob Robinson

I've recently worked up some courage and decided to share some of my work, The f…

Abigail corriveau

15 turning 16 in a few weeks In a shitty place in life right now My life is v…

Gareth Culshaw

I am a published poet in various magazines across the UK and USA. I have my firs…

Joseph Calderon

My hope in joining is for anyone who reads my writing will be able to visualize,…


6tEen.. Chandigarhian Young poet... Any mistake please forgive...


Call me 'L.' A dreamer, a stargazer, a lover. 17, a senior in high schoo…

Sandra Meryem

I'm a young woman from Poland, English isn't my native language so I may make mi…

Jackson Davies

I guess I'm a poet. I still feel a bit pretentious saying that, but I suppose th…

Emily Suzanne

I have been writing poetry since I was a wee lass. I perform on a monthly local …

Marcello Di Gianni

Marcello Di Gianni nasce il 2 aprile 1992 a Menziken (Svizzera, Cantone Argovia)…

Delon S.

I write to escape. Pertaining to poetry, im a novice. Caught onto it and…

Reilly M Scott

I am a writer and musician who would much rather open my heart and let you decid…

Kristen Cole

I started writing when I was fourteen. At the time my parents were fighting a lo…

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Group Directory

[85 profiles]

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Write Out Loud @20

Since 2005, Write Out Loud has been acting as an information and inspiration hub…

Verbose MCR

Manchester's award-winning spoken word event at The King's Arms, Salford! Verbos…

Poetry Land

This page deals with the Azerbaijani literature, culture and art. The page cont…

Yellow King Press

Small Press in Milton Keynes. Just give us the bones.. Site is now up. https:…

Poetry Plus

Poetry Plus is the name of the poetry group which meets on the second Tuesday of…

Stockport WoL

We read and discuss our own poetry from both the technical and creative perspect…

Poetry Whitchurch

Poetry Whitchurch is a group which aims to embed poetry into the town of Whitchu…

Talking Zebras

Originally based at the Wickham Arms in Cleckheaton, West Yorkshire on the first…

Write Out Loud Woking

Write Out Loud Woking is a monthly poetry open mic night at the Lightbox museum …

Bolton WriteOutLoud @ Bolton Socialist Club

Bolton's monthly open mic night, previously hosted by Jeffarama! (Jeff Dawson) &…

Inspire Aloud

Swan and Railway, Wigan, 7pm to approx 9.30pm, 3rd Thursday of each month. Mo…

HEART Bangladesh Literary Society

Humanitarian Enhancement Aid for Resilient Transformation-HEART, or HEART Bangla…

Coalition Poetry Mcr

Coalition has now closed. We were a monthly open-mic group in Stockport but are …

Burning Eye Books

Here at Burning Eye Books we think of ourselves an an upstart indie punk publish…

Beyond the Storm Poetry Competition

We are the team running the competition, and our objectives are to: • Encoura…

Wirral Poetry Festival

Wirral Poetry Festival was established in 2019 and was has grown out of Wirral F…

The Dark Writers

We meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday on the month from 7-9pm upstairs at The Coffe…

Daily Diversion

Aiming now to offer a daily diversion through prose and rhyme. Join the group…

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