The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

The importance of being August

Ah the merry month of August, and the leaves are sweetly photosynthesising glucose.  And, you know, a wise man once said to me: "Is that one yours or mine? I can't remember".  It was his day off.  

Tying these two strands neatly together in a seemless segue, August is often thought of a time of holidays. A time to relax, take a deep breath, take stock, and lazily scream at the kids, the tax...

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Dear Dermot.

Oh June, you make my heart go boom!

Hello, hello, and welcome.  And, crikey isn't it a scorcher.  The yards to the fore of the village inns echo with the sounds of vomitting yorks, and the delicate thwack of leather striking buttock floats on the breeze from next door. 

Yes, the summer has blossomed once again into a gathering ...

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Dear Dermot.

May the Second be with you

Welcome one Welcome all to the Editorial and Letters page of the May Edition of Write Out Rageous (the thinking man's magazine crumpet section of Write Out Loud).

You may (no pun intended) noti...

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Dear Dermot.

Hadrons and Hustings

Crikey O'Reilly, is it really that time again?  Well, frankly,no, it's that time for the first time ever due to the consecutive nature of time and the fact that its arrow only ever flies forward du...

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Dear Dermot.

Dear Dermot

Well, here we all are again in the letters page of the March Edition of Write Out Side Now Car Park Fight, the friendly low fat magazine of Write Out Loud and what a month it's not yet been. St Pat...

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Dear Dermot.

Dear Dermot

Yes, yes, Dear Dermot indeed.


Or, perhaps I should relabel this feature: Inexpensive Dermot, because (to show solidarity with our hard-working team of unpaid features editors here at Writ...

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Dear Dermot.

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