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Interview with Myself

Me: Hello dear Tom, how do you do?
Me: Not too bad, Tom, and you?
Me:Ah, I dont know, I got a toothache
Me: I hear panadol for that is good to take
Me: So, Tom you like to write?
Me: I do indeed, but most is shite.
Me: So why then do you write more?
Me: It stops Master time when he tries to bore
Me: Im bored already... I bid goodbye
Me: Ill piss on your grave when you die...
Fri, 4 Apr 2008 09:08 pm
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Do I detect an element of the autobiographical here?
Wed, 16 Apr 2008 07:00 am
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Wed, 16 Apr 2008 09:58 pm
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<Deleted User> (5164)

i often interview myself, to see weather ive lost me marbles yet lol
Tue, 8 Jul 2008 11:01 pm
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<Deleted User> (5646)

Great i'nt it when you can answer yourself as well!
Just don't have a lovers tiff, it gets you into all kinds of trouble and all hell breaks loose.
Makes for good poetry though,ha ha.
Tue, 8 Jul 2008 11:46 pm
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The gist of it

Just the other day
as one does
I sat beside the only other person on the bus
she turned to the window
but I sat there and ignored her
and said: Talking to yourself’s a sign
of narcissistic sociopathic disorder
I said: ’S not!!!!
I said: ’tis
I said: What???? I said: this?
I said: Yes, I said: that
I said: oh.
this went on three stops and I won’t carry on
but you do get the gist of it though.

I went to the scout hut
to watch a film
and When Harry Met Sally were on
before we went in, I sat facing some lass
and I started to go into spasm
banging the table and shouting and that
and faking having an orgasm
I said: Ooh
I said: Ahh
I said: Ooh I said: Eee!
I said: Ooh, I said: ooh,
I said: Oh!
to say anymore would be breaching my ASBO,
you get the idea of it though.
Sun, 10 Aug 2008 03:29 pm
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<Deleted User> (5984)

You are a fruitcake Glennon!!
Tue, 19 Aug 2008 01:25 am
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Jim morrison said the self interview is the essence of creativity. I believe the mentally ill simply are unable to answer their own questions and need a little guidance towards finding the answers they need
Thu, 21 Aug 2008 10:53 am
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Why thank you, my little current bun.
Tue, 26 Aug 2008 09:00 pm
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your welcome
Wed, 10 Sep 2008 01:09 pm
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That was a response to Melanie's comment.
Wed, 10 Sep 2008 06:05 pm
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