The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 21 hours. Get details and Enter.

life (Remove filter)

I've come a long way

Peaceful mornings turned into mourning nights 


Yes, I've come a long way


Heartfelt smiles hindered behind the heartbroken tears 


Yes, I've come a long way


Endless thoughts occupied in lieu of endless talks


Yes, I've come a long way


Dreams of life suppressed by the mares of struggles 


Yes, I've come a long way


Shrieks of tickled pink c...

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lifegrowing older

A slit on a rock



A burg in a vale, 

Amassed stones and rocks as bulwark,

Assembled stones and rocks as a stack,

Stones and rocks stopping the waters from losing the track. 

Waters thrusting behind the concrete rock,

Forcing the stones and rocks to slack. 


A slit on a rock transpired,showing a way to break,

Waters dripping through the rock with a crack,

Droplets leaked out of ...

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