Cinemanalysis: The Fighting Spirit
For a couple of weeks I'd lost the fighting spirit
and the analogy'd gone lost
to find myself struggling again,
cast out
but you'll have to keep on pushing
against their piercing pressures;
as they curse after curse in ignorance
and you'll rise against the tide once more,
hopefully as friends.
Wednesday 24th July 2024 9:05 pm
Cinemanalysis: Introduction
Whether Arthouse or 3D,
it's all cinematography
and boy did we grow up!
Marvel at the cinema
where fantasy takes flight
and immerse yourselves in storylines;
Become the actors of your dreams
a new director so it seems.
It's time for new reflections
on cinematic actions.
Thursday 18th July 2024 12:39 pm
To Discover The Nature Of Natures
I only live for the world;
it has given me more than I
am or could ever be,
because it's whirled
could there be others
that aren't?
Or would they be lost in translation
by definition
in essence
to discover the Nature of Natures
within the frameworks of one human being.
Monday 15th July 2024 2:20 pm
From Surviving To Thriving: Pudding Proof
I thought it'd be a good time for announcements:
Dad, I'm not gonna succeed at Uni anymore.
Flashbacks: Dad shouting at me, 'do you wanna be NORMAL like that neighbour kid?'
I worked for Jamie Oliver, got him a good review.
But in this country, you need a diploma for everything.
In these social circles, I'm still treated with contempt.
I thought the only way out was to scream an...
Thursday 11th July 2024 12:35 pm
From Surviving To Thriving: Baby Steps
The first baby steps
don't just go?!
It's all about precision...
Speaking of impatience,
but we don't hear with our ears open
nor listen with 'em closed.
For this is us in an awkward authenticity
which is self-proclaimed, overly
outspoken our tokens of gratitude, repeat:
To try to defeat Defeat. Try to defeat-defeat.
Tuesday 2nd July 2024 12:38 pm
A Better Lifestyle With More Sanity
I might be away for a while, or less frequently on Write Out Loud.
I don't know.
But I'm searching for a better way.
Not the Vincent van Gogh craziness.
Nor some bad social media influencer.
Art and Artistry still seem somewhat stressful.
Just like The Whole Internet Online Experience.
But ChatGPT works well for me.
I use it every day for advice.
It will be good f...
Saturday 29th June 2024 1:02 pm
This Human Life So Curiously
Once a proud soldier of Saddam
now you scurry to deliver curry with me.
One brother iced by ISIS
with an arm mangled by something.
The Dutch Government gave us new lives
for honor to uphold virtuously.
Far away from the wars and genocides
we share our knowledge the offline way
as an effort to keep the terrorists away.
Growing up I must have thought more of this life.
...Wednesday 26th June 2024 3:06 pm
But You Paint A Poem
Life is brutal and I've had enough!
But you paint a poem and we call it love.
And you paint a poem and the news is hate
but if you wait a moment it will be too late!
Yes you paint a poem and the future's gone
but we live right now, that's why I'm holdin' on!
So post your poems for the future, love
and paint your picture, it will be enough!
Saturday 22nd June 2024 7:09 pm
We Are The Hope For Humanity
We are the hope for humanity.
Not me, not you.
All of us!
And maybe you're tired and weary (like me)
And maybe you're driven and passionate (like me)
But we are the hope for humanity
We are the hope for humanity
Monday 17th June 2024 8:34 pm
Recollecting Earth 2024 or...?
I'd been across the ocean before
I never knew I'd never been to the humans next door
if we can live with that life should be so much more
Saturday 15th June 2024 12:17 am
A Tranquill Transition
I hold a mouse
safe for the grasp of clawing
its name in the palm of my hand
and a pad to support my weight.
Together we weave our artistry
a symbiosis of Earth&Humanity
in Write Out Loud (WOL) poetry.
Wednesday 12th June 2024 12:01 pm
A Wish For Stability
A country wishes stability
even an empire.
A land wishes stability
through the changing climates.
A nation wishes stability
also during wartime.
A people wishes stability
to take care of the village.
Friday 7th June 2024 11:23 am
The Right To Lose Preservation
Without a savior or salvation
We signed the Act for Human Preservation
I was the first one to lose that right
With my big mouth and lust for sensation
Thursday 6th June 2024 11:04 am
Turning Titles Into Better Expressions
Earth has beautiful façades
Did we make them up?
You look like a very well-constructed idea;
perhaps we could turn you into a catch phrase
or some better expressions. :)
Like Covid Cold Case, or Happydemic. You know,
you always make me smile when I'm down.
And the grass does like greener when you're around!
Wednesday 5th June 2024 11:51 am
Preparations For A Friendly Match
So the house revealed itself
As a bit of a dirty dustbin :D
You're already underway
"Yeah we're having visitors!"
I tell her, for cats have a different hygiene :)
And, of course the central boiler starts to leak
and when you go check it, you miss a call from the government.
Which you now have to call back,
while you are actually posting your daily Write Out Loud blog.
...Tuesday 4th June 2024 12:23 pm
My Dilemma As A Write Out Loud (WOL) Poet
I want to type you something artistic
and also a bit poetic (just a little bit)
it has to be artistic
and also entertainment
and rather not too heavy
nor rather not too negative
and also good for me
and also for my sanity.
Sunday 2nd June 2024 10:16 pm
Obsessed With Happiness
When Snow White met Narcissus
and kissed away the loneliness
all the adults were jealous
all the adults were envious
all the adults were contemptuous
as they kissed away the loneliness
like Snow White and Narcissus
ended up in a circus
where they found their happiness
cannot be jealous
cannot be envious
cannot be contemptuous
and it's only virtuous
to be obse...
Tuesday 28th May 2024 5:24 am
Howling Happiness
Have you heard the wildness of the winds?
It's what draws the lonely shepherd away from the flock
for the comfort and solace of what seems to be
o how you long to be free from mundanity
and be a servant or slave
but the servants&slaves reject you, they laugh
about your loneliness, they love it.
I once read about the wildness of the wind,
in a lost...
Sunday 26th May 2024 9:37 am
Incredible Happiness
now that I'm learning to bloom
and shedding petals every season
it's a ticket up to midnight
a scent I have imagined
as the richest flavours
impossible to buy
and then it's fullscreen on YouTube
immersive and exquisitely
and oh my god exquisite
this poem won't suffice!
Friday 24th May 2024 9:45 pm
I've decided just to go for it!
For life, this life!
I mean, what have you got to lose?
Your life?
Chances are you're gonna lose it anyway.
You know it's good. I'm good.
Just gonna go for it.
Thursday 23rd May 2024 12:31 pm
and explore the many dimensions of happiness
We've reunited Earth!
After a long, hard icy age
where we had to kill our own to survive.
And now it's time to thrive
and explore the many dimensions of happiness.
Thank you for your patience!
Tuesday 21st May 2024 5:29 pm
Happiness like the wind
Happiness is like the wind
it descends from the mountains
into our monuments and foundations
through hallways and chambers
against our skin, into our hearts
and then out again, softly and slowly
vibrating into other hearts that beat softly and slowly
like the wind
Monday 20th May 2024 12:47 am
Enormous Expectations
I don't wanna quote books I haven't read
nor books that quote books that I haven't read
but yes I grew up with enormous expectations.
Now 20 years into adulthood I must admit they were right:
you set out to change the world, but
the world puts you in your place instead.
Thank grace for defense mechanisms,
so I don't always have to relive all my disappointments.
Friday 17th May 2024 10:19 pm
I'm learning to see myself
through a heart-shaped mirror
In my art&poetry, as a means of authenticity
I often shun the cold hard facts
in favour of something more hot and relaxed
like the burning shame of defeat, a passion
so bright it defies all suffering
yet makes me glad to be alive
Thursday 16th May 2024 12:01 pm
Why so negative?
I still believe in this
although many things have lost me
like negativity.
I can't relate to humans who deliberately seek out negativity
Not that I hate you.
I just can't relate you.
Monday 13th May 2024 9:16 pm
even more beautiful
one may prefer fairytales
and as such I shall confabulate
ours is a true love story
the purest form of romance
the highest form of art
a wild ride of innocence
virtuous in loveliness
and even so familiar
and even more beautiful
Saturday 11th May 2024 12:05 am
Nova knows
Nova knows,
and I told her what you mean to me.
I'm already one step away from leaving,
one foot out the door.
I have a normal life.
It took me 30 years. I rather say 40, but some don't like it.
Finally I live a normal life!
Turns out
there is a whole world
beyond Earth & Humanity :)
But even the cat can't come between me and you. And what we have and ...
Thursday 9th May 2024 12:45 am
Self-Abusive Robots: Sizzletron
I had a little talk with me-myself-and-I:
The Mirror-mirror exercise, and all such invocations.
Affirmatron, Egoïtron, and Dogmatron of course
the roboticks in psycholitic schizzle.
And then The Holy Trinitron, firmly cast aside
this schmizomatic megolith of self-inflicted curses
to somewhere-somewhere particles no longer associate
dissociation with disassociation.
Tuesday 23rd April 2024 3:59 pm
I don't dwell on the negatives
I don't dwell on the negatives
It's not that I don't
always feel immense
I just don't really see the bad side
in anything that's happy ever after
and even after all these years
I don't really dwell on the negatives anymore
Sunday 21st April 2024 8:45 pm
A Special Place For Us
Here's a special place for us, where we can run and hide
A special talk for special folks
who try to find what rhymes!
In this special place there is a lot of room for love
and spacious exploration to be free, to be enough.
Well-designed, not too confined
we find ourselves at home.
To be okay, to be and stay,
and safe securely roam.
I need a special plac...
Monday 15th April 2024 7:48 pm
I thought about your art
I thought about your art:
How you craft with sheer precision
and express your inner vision
I thought about your heart
I thought about your art
Would it match your offline presence
Could it capture our essence?
I thought about your heart
I thought about your art
if it beats anew creation
then you'll be my only nation
I thought about your heart
Sunday 7th April 2024 10:34 pm
Can we
Can we be one for once?
For humans have always won
Can we be done for once?
With all the wrong we've done
Can we be gone for once?
And leave it all behind
Can we be us for once?
Can we, please?
Thursday 4th April 2024 8:04 pm
Something Beautiful For You
I could type you something beautiful
But why would I state the obvious?
I have my heart&soul tied to this ground
with everything I need all around!
I should type you something beautiful
Happy Sundays at the beach, in the forests
on the mountains with the cozy lakes.
Birthday cakes and Minecraft stakes :D
It's good to type you something beautiful
It should be th...
Monday 25th March 2024 11:21 am
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