Let me tell you the story of who I am I was on born on a February I was born in a certain country I was born in a cold city My favorite color is blue My thoughts jump out of the same color I miss the old days I'm 25 My old days are the yesterdays of some My old days are the tomorrow of others ....
My Words
Words are stuck in my finger tips I can feel them in blood vessels But they just can’t seem to get out They run back again to my heart Get poured back in my hands Get on the verge of my lips They want me to shout They want to get out They want to be written They dream of kissing her They want to leave their marks on her That she is theirs And forever she will be My paper They don’t care about mistakes Those can be overwritten As I grab my pen and write these words They dance in her lines Sink into her depth Fly on her surface My pen is blue My words are red .....
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