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Leena Joshi is a social entrepreneur, climate advocate and author. She is the founder and executive director of Climate Conservancy, a youth-led climate nonprofit, with 9000 volunteers in 60+ countries. She has sat on boards and advisory councils for various organizations. She has been a member at Harvard Business Review Ascend Select and has provided insights to editorial, marketing and product teams of HBR and has contributed to research projects by HBR. Leena's work has been featured by World Bank Group, United Nations Climate Change, United Nations Foundation, Climate Reality Project, Her Campus Media, Feminist and Lady Gaga's Born This Way Foundation. She was previously a Member at Global Leadership Challenge at Oxford University. She has been an Ambassador for organizations including World Bank Group, 4ocean and Plastic Pollution Coalition. Leena is a prolific public speaker who has spoken at universities across the world including Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge. A TEDx Speaker who has also spoken at high-level global conferences. She has authored books including 'The Climate Awakening' and 'Ethereal' and writes poetry about social impact.

The Climate Child

The world where youth's dreams sing free, Amidst nature's cries, we take our stand, Voices soft, like leaves on the breeze, For Earth's health, we extend our hand. The era of climate's firm hold, Our fate intertwined with choices we make, Youth not bystanders, but bold and bold, In Earth's story, our part we stake. Though oft' our voices lost in the noise, In the shadows of the status quo's sway, Youth, with purpose, our resolve employs, To shape a world where hope holds sway. For the looming crisis casts its dark hue, Yet in our grasp, lies the power to heal, To rewrite the tale, to start anew, And ensure Earth's future we seal. Empower us, to sing future's tune, In unity, our strength finds its wings, Collectively crafting what lies 'neath the moon, A world where hope eternally springs.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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