The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

Wigan Poets success

John and Sandy are briliant poets and stalwarts of Write out Loud's various nights . Read…
Susanna Roxman's Review of
WIGAN JOURNEY by John & Sandré Clays
as published on New Hope On-Line Review
"These two poets, apparently a husband-and-wife team, write regional poetry in the best sense. Their poems are perhaps not extraordinary, but certainly well written, informative, and lively. Sometimes th...

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Putting the poet first!

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Putting the poet first! Our aim with this new website is to encourage ordinary poets to come forward and share their poety in public.
Putting the poet first! Our aim with this new website is to encourage ordinary poets to come forward and share their poetry in public.
We want every op...

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Oh how I love to sit And watch the inferior world nurdle by, its trousers tucked into its socks how superior I feel. Me with my bicycle clips. Ha!

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