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What is the role of a poet in society?

This is nice Sophie.For me Poetry is an art form that can be anything that you wish to say, positive or negative.It is your imagination, it is your views, your personal truth on how you see the world and yourself in that world. Its does not have to be based on logic or truth. I think your ideas on Baudelaire may be right on spot.Everything I have ever read about him screams out ,Poor guy ! I dont think that his views on life and the world can be made into a logical truth for all humans. But for many it could ring true. I enjoy reading Keats, but again I dont read it for truth. I read Keats because it makes me feel good, its a pretty mind picture.Great job Sophie !!!
Sun, 6 Jan 2008 05:40 am
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darren thomas

Hi Sophie. This is a fantastic piece. I’m not a philistine, but I do have to admit that I am not familiar with this French chap Bou- zee- whatsisname. But I can at least offer you an opinion as to what role, I think, a poet has in a society.
First of all we would have to ask ourselves just how influential a poet can be? In the grand scheme of getting things done - is it measurable? Then again, who cares?
Poetry, for me at least, is the Marigold Gloves in the washing up process of life. It allows me to not only put my hands into a place where most fear to tread, let’s say the hot soapy waters of life but then it allows me to leave them there - soaking.
It gets people thinking. It gets people animated with opinion and can, in some intimate situations cause spittle around the tight edges of a loquacious mouth. I love poetry. In fact, I hope one day to become married to poetry. What wonderful legs. It allows a person to fly off at a complete tangent and then bring the whole thing back together again with a gentle coo or a sigh. It’s wonderful therapy. My therapist tells me so. For me - poetry has had the most profound affect on my life. When I needed ‘saving’ it was there for me. It’s only right that I try and give something back to it. What role does poetry have in society? It’s a Superhero.
And anyone that happens to write the stuff therefore is a Superdooperhero.
Mon, 7 Jan 2008 04:17 pm
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<Deleted User> (7790)

Mon, 21 Jan 2008 01:51 pm
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<Deleted User>


The role that gives you space to say:


Tue, 22 Jan 2008 06:52 pm
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