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Austin Poetry Slam

This event on 9th July 2019 at 19:30 has past.

This event series is no longer running. It last took place on 24th August 2021 at 19:30.

Contact: <removed>

We hold a weekly slam at the Spider House Ballroom. It is big. We average 150-200 people in the audience every Tuesday.

We have five random judges chosen from the audience. Regular slam scoring style.

We usually take 13 poets each week. We have a random lottery to see which poets get in each week. If you don't get into the slam, you get a guaranteed spot for the following open week. We also reserve three spots a week for out-of-town poets who drove more than an hour to get there. They can claim this guaranteed spot once a quarter (so even if you drive in from Houston every week, you can only get the guaranteed spot 4 times each year).

We go in random order in the first round. Low to high in round 2, low to high in round 3... Clean Slate scoring in every round.

Spider House Ballroom is a big room with a bar in the back, with a 285 standing capacity. It has nice red curtains on all the walls, and they are very supportive of the slam.

There is a sound system and a spotlight on the poets, and a DJ, and a sound guy, and a voice of god/scorekeeper/timekeeper, and a rotating host schedule, and we organize our community mainly via facebook.

Hooray for Austin Slam!

Price: $5.00

Time: 7:30pm

Venue image - Spider House Ballroom

Spider House Ballroom

2908 Fruth Street, Austin, TX 78702, US

Weekly Event (Usually held every Tuesday)
Last updated: Never

Note: Write Out Loud does its best to ensure the accuracy of event listings but can accept no liability or responsibility if it's just plain wrong.


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Reviews for Austin Poetry Slam

Olivia Harris

Sun 17th Jul 2022 21:35

Education is an organic part of society's life, which vividly reflects the level of its development, contradictions, and problems. The professionalism of the educational institution develops as a part of the state structure, which is completely subordinated to the youth. The functions of youth development are defined in the socialization of the next generations, preparation for the performance of social roles defined by society.

Review is about Austin Poetry Slam on 9 Jul 2019 (event)

lucy smith

Wed 14th Jul 2021 16:17

Hello guys thank for write out loud

Review is about Austin Poetry Slam on 29 Jun 2021 (event)


Sun 7th Feb 2021 23:10

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Review is about Austin Poetry Slam on 21 Apr 2015 (event)

Jenna Hetry

Sat 7th Mar 2020 13:41

Hello guys, and readers of that forum, thanks a lot for your contribution, it was quite interesting to read it.
I found it interesting also in the way, that I know a lot of articles realted to that topic, specifically on poetry of slam and one of them was written at

Review is about Austin Poetry Slam on 9 Jul 2019 (event)

Deanna Hudson

Mon 1st Jul 2019 09:03

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Review is about Austin Poetry Slam on 14 Nov 2017 (event)

Anette Capuzzi

Thu 27th Jun 2019 15:42

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Review is about Austin Poetry Slam on 14 Nov 2017 (event)

Anette Capuzzi

Wed 26th Jun 2019 08:04

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Review is about Austin Poetry Slam on 14 Nov 2017 (event)


Mon 29th Apr 2019 12:07

This blog is related about the austin poetry slam. We need to understand this austin poetry which we need for us some other things which is related with link blog, That thing is missing here and we need to find it.

Review is about Austin Poetry Slam on 23 Apr 2019 (event)

daily work

Fri 26th Apr 2019 12:24

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Review is about Austin Poetry Slam on 23 Apr 2019 (event)

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