Nothing Has Changed
Nothing Has Changed.
I would like to say I am one of the nation’s farmers.
Or a pinstripe suited businessman or city trader.
I would like to say I run a company or corporation.
That I will inherit a fortune from a friend or relation.
I would like to say i am in business and looking to expand.
That I create wealth and put it in the working man's hand.
I would like to say I have a drink at my local pub.
That it would really affect me with the prices going up.
I would like to say tax going up again on cigarettes seriously affects me.
All that train fares are still going up 5% annually will hinder my mobility.
I would like to say I am worried about the stamp duty.
That second homes no longer get any council tax relief.
I would like to say I am worried about the interest going down on my savings.
That I will have to pay a lot more for my vape craving.
I would like to say putting up my hourly rate might cost me my job
That freezing the tax threshold is a worrying thought.
Sadly, I can't say any of this because it doesn't apply to me.
I already had nothing, and my bank was already empty.
The budget just ensured my life stays the same.
Struggling to survive, life is a funny old game.
Tobani October 2024.
Sun 24th Nov 2024 01:00
Thank you Hugh, David and Steve for the likes