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Corner Shelf


if time did boast; might you forget to tell? sure, everyone forgets now and again

Forgivable for her hand is terrible, unyielding,

                       only math that counts

one thing not smooth and not easy

why deny me what was mine by divine rights

i have much power but no control

  obeying scripture for it is a must for scripture said so


                               it is written.

for i have written it


astonishing to me that you are not with me now   

even now

astonishing to me that you were so with me then yet also, not


here or there

where words can't be big enough

first touch silent for its song was sung before music

it's all astonishing

I taught you to stand tall

                       accept what is; nothing inevitable, only what is


Many many paths of love remain wide open, world full of cracks of light where they seep through the dark

                             Lovering crisscrossing mountain trails here and there, not all of them, but a few in the many,  many

                                       Offering eyes, a glance, a stolen touch

Wooded canopy paths cross mine, shadow and light welcome, don’t threaten me

Gunslingers are alone in the woods not lonely just alone, they tip their hat at strangers crossing across the way


For I thought I had glimpsed my trailhead perhaps before it exists in the physical realm



Watching companionship

        Weave in time’s adoration

While adoring companions

          Waiting to weave through sunlit paths, reach out a hand to me

Trails cross and there’s so many avenues, many, many, many ways


As i lay, brick by brick

       A life far from loneliness

With welcome solitude built right into the corner shelves, near the fire

       As i fade from despairs’ view


◄ Scentless


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