Hurrah for the Blackshirts!
Oh-and the Refugees and immigrants in Merseyside (according to UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman).
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Oh-and the Refugees and immigrants in Merseyside (according to UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman).
Tue 31st Jan 2023 09:05
I have to admit I have sometimes 'torked forrin' with friends on trains in Belgium (i.e. in English), Uilleam. I shall now go and wash my mouth out, in accordance with the latest Daily Mail directive.
Tue 31st Jan 2023 08:51
Oh, and I forgot:
refugees / foreigners torkin forrin on our buses and trains- disgusting!
As if Farage and Cleggy hadn't enough to deal with what with all that German and Spanish in their families,
and then there's them bloody Italians coming over here selling us their / our ice cream-and their PIZZAS!
what's the world coming to......................?
Mon 30th Jan 2023 08:32
Thanks for your comments and likes.
With regard to "young people" in particular:
I suspect the primary reason they don't read "paper" papers any more is technology related: ie their primary source / tool of information is the PC, smart phone etc.
For any online publication the primary means of gaining revenue will now be literally "Click-bait" technology.
As for publications whose primary consumers are those who are already ignorant and fearful:
click-bait, knee-jerk hate-mongering, (be that through outright lies, or distortion) is a technologically efficient way of
A. generating income,
B. achieving the political aims of their masters.
The latter will be to distract the populace from corruption / malfeasance / incompetence, by getting them to blame:
"poor people / immigrants / that dead cat over there / people with ginger hair / Jewish people / Muslims / single mums......",
rather than the government's corrupt dealings.
All print newspaper circulations are in steady if not steep decline. Young people just don't read them, for whatever reason.
I'm surprised that anyone buys the daily mail, but they do - in greater numbers than any other newspaper. Why is this?
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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh
Thu 9th Mar 2023 16:15
I'm surprised that anyone buys the daily mail, but they do - in greater numbers than any other newspaper. Why is this?
Because they've run out of loo roll Telboy😊