poet (Remove filter)
my superstitions are eating me whole
A Black cat is just deciding whether to cross my path
A fairy just sprayed me with fairy dust just for a laugh
Stupid cupid just shot me in the bum and I have fallen in love with a tree!
And a dog just peed on me and the tree as well.
I went to my friend’s house and their kids put my new shoes on the table
I touched wood to break the curse but I wasn’t able
I thou...
Wednesday 14th April 2010 8:25 am
The domino effect
The dominoes fall in line.
The hour glass trickles away time.
you cannot stray from your path you cannot get away
for fate and free choice are enemies vying for power
and the domino effect has you within its grasp hour by hour
we all want the end.
armageddon fires and to descend into chaos
for utopian dreams are too hard and too way off
freedom drains away in this technological world
like sand through cup...
Sunday 20th December 2009 11:15 am
geek tragedy
Tragedy me,
Oh alas
You can see it in my face
I made the wrong choices listening to all those negative voices
That I followed and swallowed like a chocolate cup cake whole
Instead of letting it pass my lips
Or spitting it out
I doubt I will ever be able to sort it out
I traded love for alienation
Work for boredom
Depression saturates me like vinega...
Saturday 21st November 2009 5:09 pm
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