The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Albert Einstein

I see one thing,
you see another,
because one thing is always more than itself:
it is itself
plus the relativity of the thing.

It is the mass,
plus I don’t know how many times the acceleration.
You look,
it has transmuted,
it is already another thing.

To see
is to recreate the world,
is to interact with the beautiful,
is to interact with the ugly,
is to commune with the ...

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Albert EinsteinEinsteinenergymassthingworldyouseeaccelerationbeautifuluglyunique

Life Race


You should plan to keep going 
whatever you meet .. whatever you face 
The only thing to be growing 
Never to fallback in the race 


Be aware to wear patience hat 
Remove the hat of desperation 
Keep energy for acts no chat 
No goals achieved in quotation 


Always to ask what you need 
To get ready helping people 
Same as you eat you must feed 
To win the race you shoul...

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Creeping through the undergrowth a shapeless black beast hunts and lurks waiting to strike, a young couple out walking disappear in the blink of an eye, gone.

Slaughtered sheep rot in a farmers’ field, it was the creature of the underworld feeding its bloodlust.

No one knows why screams echo through the forest startling the wildlife, this is a supernatural mystery ...

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