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mental battle (Remove filter)

Always with you

I am here, connected to you
Hiding in the corner
Growing darker as the light grows stronger
Formed shape, cajoined to you
I follow you in the street or lane
Looming dark in mirrored form, defined
Ever present, twinned by shape

Creeping on the floor or wall, a mirror of your soul
Ever here, your silent brother 
Shaped in your darkest desires
My friend, your friend, a soundless mus...

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self reflectionmental battlemental health

Dry relapse with no high(through the eyes of another)

I'm not a soldier but I'm at war

Clean and sober year number four 

Battles with temptation 

Past friends and relations 

Conflict miscommunication 

I get tired of waiting I'm tryna be patient 

Testing my patience 

What's expected of me isn't me 

No point trying to change me you see 

That change must only come from me 

People are not what they seem 

Reality looks dif...

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Recoveryaddictionalchaholismdrugabusemental healthmental warmental battle


Always the odd one out 

Talk to ghosts that's me 

Synchronised numbers i see 


Or all the fives 


22.22 ...2020 and more 

White feathers float to me 


The Angel's they guide me 

Ancestors walk with me ...besides me 


I can see them ..hear them feel them

If you can't.. it mustn't be real then 

I look distant to you a daze me 


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mental battleThat crazy friendAutism Loneliness


Tick, Tock.

Look at the clock.

Wait seven seconds.

Look at the clock.

Wait seven seconds.

Look at the clock.

Wait seven seconds.

Look at the



Tip, Tap.

Each finger raps the desk.

Once then twice then thrice.

Each finger raps the desk.

Once then twice then thrice.

Each finger raps the desk.

Once then twice then thrice.

Each finger


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mental health issuespoetry and mental healthmental battle

Can't Escape

You try to escape the demons

But they latch on way too tight,

Their claws digging into my body

And mind, with all their might.


Fighting is exhausting,

It physically and mentally drains.

But still I endure it, hoping

One day I will finally escape the pain.

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anxietybattlecan't escapedemonsdepressionexhaustedhopeillnessmaniamental battlemental healthmental health issuesmental illnesspoetry and mental healthptsdrage

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