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Gaia (Remove filter)

Song of the Earth

My spirit’s faint, of joy and beauty starved,

Of late, this grieving heart has known but gloom,

So, prayers I’ll say on ancient Anglezarke,

And dance with Gaia, to a brighter tune,

Where soars my soul, between earth sea and sky:

Fear’s put to flight, in nature is true strength.

A lark’s song celebrates up there on high

The beauty of our vast horizon’s length,

The grandeur o...

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Sonnet (On the sad news of the demise of the Siden House in the Black Country)

Oh, would it were the happy truth: consigned

Unto the flames of hell, that Crooked House, 

Where Mammon’s ermined scarlet whores decide

Which trough they’ll dig with snuffling filthy snouts!

Those arsonists so proudly pose in food

Pantries, yet loudly praise the firefight;

Rapacious brutes, they Gaîa do denude 

Of hope; they’re criminals, who firelight.


Rich ...

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GaîaCrooked HouseBlack CountryCroesusxenophobiaBritannia

Mersey Poets Perform Under Gaia

Some 'Quality of Mersey' poets after performing their odes to our beautiful Earth/Gaia installation by Luke Jerram at Liverpool Anglican Cathedral last Monday. This event was part of the Mersey River Festival 2019.


Photo from left to right: Ruthie Adamson, Jenny Hesketh, Barry Woods, Lucy Pickavance, Michelle Wright and Ali Harwood.

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GaiaMerseyside poetsLiverpool


MAN:          In so short a time

I saw a future



From the formless waters


From the darkness

The way begins

All words are water



GAIA:             From my innermost being

       I gave abundance!

My words flow from the mountain top

My words give succour to the land

My words are the waters of the sea


PRIEST:          The ...

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