morning (Remove filter)
Sweaty in the night she gasps for an open breath, another bad dream, another stream gone awry. How can this be she thought as the leaves slowly turn gold. The branch softly scratches at the window. Below unseen unheard in the land of colors and mist, a one-eyed pikeman delivers the news to his liege. She awakens sir, do we stop the transmission? Nay, he cried, let’s take her for another ri...
Wednesday 8th January 2025 5:54 pm
every morning,
a parade of perfect lives,
smiles meticulously adjusted,
breakfast that looks more like a work of art,
but deep down,
it's just granola and a desperate hunt for likes.
people transform into characters,
each post a script,
each photo a scene,
life in shining squares
where reality dissolves like sugar in water.
hashtags dance on the screen,
like confetti at a birthday ...
Thursday 3rd October 2024 8:00 pm
Awakening in the Stillness
In the stillness of the morning,
the world awakens softly.
Light spills over the horizon,
casting shadows that dance
among the whispers of leaves.
A bird sings...
its song unfolding like petals,
with each note a breath of possibility,
a promise of an unexplored day,
where the air is thick with dreams.
Footsteps on a winding path,
and each step a choice:
the ground beneath the feet,...
Monday 30th September 2024 5:52 am
Shut my eyes on Sunday evening.
Moments pass, the clock is screaming.
Flip my switch from dream to drowning
in a sea of morning light.
Scoop the mucus from my lashes.
Splash my cheeks and scrub my gnashers.
Quell the bloating crush of pressure.
I’m already late!
Complacent men and placid women -
TV Breakfast hosts - sit grinning
at the fan-like big hand sp...
Friday 5th May 2023 10:17 pm
Good Morning!
The sparkling dew
Provides the bling
My soundtrack
Are the birds who sing
My coffee steams
With rainbow dreams
As weary eyes
View capricious skies
Wednesday 24th August 2022 6:28 am
Morning Dew
The woody petrichor
tingles my nose
as she brings me coffee
under the dimming lights
of a pergola
The rain has calmed the air
And the dawn starts to crack the clouds
with shards of yawning sunlight
She smiles
Her eyes twinkle like morning dew
I watch her saunter away
And take a hot, comforting sip
of coffee
Monday 22nd August 2022 9:45 am
untitled pillows
untitled pillows
Dawn disclosed it –
Light from an honest butter sky
Reveling in a freelance body next to me,
With our fragrant attraction
As dried up
As an Atacamian kiss.
I put in me
Sweet, sweet whiskey
Sweet scorned man.
Back then, under the accents
And sweet reprieve of street swept skies
We had clinked our glasses several times
In mome...
Tuesday 16th August 2022 12:28 pm
blue tears
blue tears
her blue tears
falling on the pink morning
created a lavender sky
Monday 30th May 2022 3:27 pm
Morning Sip
Beep, beep, beep
The alarm goes
The bed goes
Pop, snap, crack
The person goes
Drip, drip, drop
The coffee goes
Sip, breath in, ahhh
The person goes
This is the
Morning Sip
Monday 20th December 2021 5:06 pm
November Morning
Beep Beep Beep
The screaming of my alarm alerts me that it's time to stir awake from my sleepless dreams
I grab my mug and pour the dark liquid hell to get me through another day of 8-5
I grab my favorite unprepossessing red and brown checkered flannel with my short deep blue shorts
My eyes graze the outside sight of the glass infront of me
Cold, damp finger prints left by my hand as I begin ...
Wednesday 3rd November 2021 8:57 pm
Prelude to a working day
The toast was warm and buttery
The coffee, hot and strong
The radio played a reminisce
From sunny days long gone
I sipped away the aches & pains
And watched the morning light
Brush honey upon the basking birds
That sang with all their might
The open door leaked warming breeze
And a hint of dewy blooms
But, time tick-tocked reality
To rejoin life's spinning lo...
Sunday 12th September 2021 9:16 am
The Winter Morning!
Ujjal Mandal, India
The winter morning sheds thick tears,
None but the sun comes to weep
Her tears out as a mother does when
The child cries.
Tuesday 10th November 2020 12:43 am
The Motherly Sun
The Motherly Sun
Ujjal Mandal, India
The morning weeps
All night.
When the white wind
Helps to flow her thick tears more,
The sun with motherly
Affection wipes her wet eyes out.
Saturday 31st October 2020 1:17 am
Rain and Balloon
Raindrops are laughing,
Like cherry
Onto the garden
I am alone
Floating on,
A little cooling the warmth
Of summer morning;
As if flying
Big sky balloons
Of birthday party ...
Monday 15th June 2020 3:11 pm
It is a grey morning
I am awake early
The backdoor is open
And cool air enters the kitchen
My father is on his knees
Scrubbing a wire brush
On the fire grate
Newspapers on the floor
He takes a rag
And pours black lead
Onto the stiffened fibres
Then he smears it
Onto the scrubbed surfaces
He balls up the newspaper
And throws it on the hearth
...Saturday 30th May 2020 2:34 pm
Before the World Wakes Up
unlocked of chains each morning
my mind is freshly out of it's shower
soaked all night in spinal fluid
let's dry off with a cup of sunrise coffee
cat whines and yelps for crunch
this day starts off with the fading feelings
leftover from the distancing of my fresh dream
my subconcious slipping away
but here I hold a string I left there
if I could only pull mysel...
Sunday 28th July 2019 2:02 pm
Morning calm
A world of desperation.
The face and the faceless.
Indescribable yet on the tip of my tongue.
Impecability holds the key to power.
I stare out over the city on my park bench throne.
The morning hours calm my mind.
Crows speak in their own tongue.
I reflect on a night of dreaming.
The number is 4.
Time to let go of what I can no longer carry.
My saving grace is ...
Monday 10th June 2019 2:29 pm
You're Welcome
You're Welcome
Lovely smiles at early morning,
Poetic voice says: “Hello”
Shiny eyes yearning look.
Asking happily “How are you?”
When did we met and where!
Few years ago, may be more
It was crowded party there
When she shines out of the door
We had a table, but no talk
Merrily smile, she looks shy
Asked timidly can we walk?
I shook hands, then walk...
Friday 1st March 2019 2:52 pm
Epiphany in the Early Morning
Low early autumn sun
a lone long strand of spider silk
stretched across the window glass
above a tiny downy feather like a snowflake
shivering in the breeze
Wednesday 5th September 2018 9:53 am
Quiet River
Quiet River
When the morning's flight
lifts the darkened blind,
and slows the speed of time,
be ready in your heart and mind
with gratitude, as you drift
on a sweet and quiet river,
lined by silent watchers;
remember their gifts, and the jewels
of the givers,
For that light is sure to glow
fierce and steady in your memory -
...Sunday 22nd October 2017 4:07 pm
The power of a place
Let the sound of the seas swell wash away the pain
Let the whoosh and crush of pebbles float away the strain
Morning light shimmering across flat sparkling sea
Morning swimmers lightly shivering as they rush to shore
Boys and girls peddle, skate and scoot by
Direction not known but heading for fun
Happy voices bouncing all around
Only early but excitement abounds
New vistas...
Saturday 26th August 2017 4:00 pm
Dance Dance
Dance Dance
I may when the sun comes up
To the worlds glorious rise
To her chant, her breath, her freedom
Her nurturing boundaries
Such nectar,
Dance Dance
I may when the sun comes up
In the evening I shall rest
Rest inside her sweet surrender
Contented to my soil rich roots
For the world has been my playground
Dance Dance
I may when the sun comes u...
Saturday 20th May 2017 10:35 am
Another moist, reluctant sunrise
through the night sweat morning dew
the worm pushed towards the light
loosely erect
Across the lawn
the over stuffed pigeon
puffed up her unkempt plumage
cooed a taunt
How dare you wake up today
How dare you show that you tried today
Waddling heavily
she pinched him up
gluttony oozing
heaved him away
apatheticaly consenting to his fat...
Monday 17th October 2016 12:34 pm
In the morning
make sure I calculate
Flat packet grains compress
into calibrated measure,
To be levelled
then dispensed,
With milk added to twice the degree,
Placed in microwave,
A minute of vibrational rotation.
Returned for half the spell of time.
Seed topping on the milky mass,
Monday 18th April 2016 7:21 pm
The Dawn
among the blades of grass
Damp with dew
Clamouring with anticipation
of a new day
with its hues of pinks, blues and
smiling white clouds
was born to be seen
and exploded silently
All the better to listen
The fields cooed one by one
Even the surliest of trees
blinked in th...
Tuesday 1st March 2016 5:17 pm
Untold Truth
We woke up
You were smiling at me
You looked so unexpectedly happy
Wrapped my neck in your arms
Gave me a tight squeeze
I ask why
You won't reply
You never do
But that's the great thing
You don't have too
I already know what's held to be true
It doesn't have to be spoken
It doesn't have to be said
Yes, we might be in a little over our heads
Undoubtedly we...
Monday 26th October 2015 1:59 am
Dawn is naked and alive
pirouetting in the street outside
she is a broad grey sky, endless above
It's not rain...
just some foggy spray licking windows
a coat the building wears
a metaphor I cannot interpret
all irony is groggily lost on me
yawning with my whole body
struggling with the load of memory
I'm oiling daily
So maybe I should stay indoors
get the fire going, boil the kett...
Thursday 22nd October 2015 11:27 pm
A fall in the Morning
The razor cold breeze whipped at the small child.
For the tall pines grew below the cliff—no help--
And offered their apologies in their own way,
Filling the air with their sharp centric scent
And swaying like an ocean of green in the wind.
But, that day, the boy could not tell trees from tears,
And he could not smell aught but what he tasted:
Just copper and sa...
Wednesday 21st January 2015 7:06 am
Morning's Moon
I try to understand but do not know
what science explains: physics
or optics or geometrics or plain old
Moon’s crescent bowl holds pure
white milk, defeating gravity’s pull
that levels water, that lets me
understand emotional truth of balance.
I wonder how the sun can pasteurize
the moon since I can’t see the sun.
Friday 21st November 2014 7:34 pm
Your dawn chorus
Saturday 10th August 2013 7:14 am
Good Morning, Good Morning
this house is awakening
it yawns and stretches its
aged bones, as last night’s ghosts scurry
home, with the copper blood running
warm through worm pricked floors
I lie,like you, while you lie,
like me, under the nights warm stink
and the claw and the purr
of the cat’s half lidded lazy gaze
as the foundations shake with each
passing race of 18 wheel freight
Saturday 18th May 2013 3:18 pm
This Morning
Distant chill and early morning
Rising in the cold
The car's all frozen thawing slowly
Where’s my woolly scarf?
The radios drones on with a weather warning
And I’m shivering in the cold
The kettle seems to be taking ages
The toast is taking its time
Where’s the butter and marmalade?
It’ll be cold today, I’m told
Gloved and scarved, scraper in ...
Sunday 13th January 2013 7:13 am
Weekend Quest
Good morning campers
Time for more ramblings from my mind, spewing forth on the page like a student at a house party. Something a bit more story based from me this time, Inspired by a recent trip to Berlin and a simply amazing club called Weekend. I think the poem tells you everything else you need to know.
Weekend Quest
Low lit square at 3AM
Carriage pulls up
Exchange m...
Friday 28th September 2012 2:15 pm
Morning comes but once a day
And that's enough for me.
I face each day without you,
Making do with misery.
Morning comes but once a day,
My punishment goes on,
For all the ways I hurt you
In the dark times dead and gone.
Morning comes but once a day,
And with it comes the light,
To show me what I know so well
That there's no end in sight.
...Friday 3rd February 2012 8:48 pm
Balloons in the tree
Pass me the toys I'll play with you
lets load the riffle let the bullet go loose!
Who's gonna shoot the balloons in the tree?
Who's gonna pull the knives out of me?
Your little sister now owns your touch
cook for the robots 'cause they fought for us
we'll never let the kite go fly free
we never ever will let you leave
So you've really got it going
Saturday 12th November 2011 8:14 pm
Breakfast Epiphany
There are days
that songs are stifled
or the throat hoarse and weary
No more do notes glide softly -
raking leaves strewn across
the littered lawn
their butterfly wings
hung up in the wait
for another sunny day.
There are nights
that stars squander
their luminescence
on unappreciative lovers
roaming listlessly by
a moonlit shore
their br...
Wednesday 16th March 2011 4:48 pm
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