The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

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Stephen Gospage on The Day They Came
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Landi Cruz on overqualified
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Reggie's Ghost on overqualified
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Flyntland on BLOOM
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Landi Cruz on overqualified
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Naomi on BLOOM
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Naomi on BLOOM
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Tom Doolan on BLOOM
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David RL Moore on And If I Never Met You.
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David RL Moore on overqualified
6 hours ago


They reach me,


I give them my all,

Yet after that,

They leave me Alone.

They will come back,

Once again, for sure,

With a different face,

A different name,

A new personality,

All along,

And once again,

I will give them my all,

Will they, this time

Stay by my side?

I don't know,

But that's how Trust works,

That's how Life works.


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Be Who You Are!!!

Don't let them Judge You,

Don't let them Teach You,

Just be Who You Are!!!


You are Amazing,

Just the Way You Are...

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self lovefire flesh love passion obsessionoptimisticoptimistLove yourselfsoulfoodsoulmindfulpositive

Let them Think...

Every day,

Travelling through Life,

We encounter Them,

Some, maybe true,

Yet many,



They have,

An ever changing mind,

Facing me,

They call me sweet,

Behind my back?

They say I'm rude,

They call me good,

Then say I'm bad,

They say you're the Best,

And then?



Whatever they want,

Whoever they be,

Let them say,


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Heartbreak. Liesbad friendsChaos Life Judgement mental healthBetrayalsoulfoodsoulmindfulpositivehatefreedomdarkskin

Do Not Give Up!

If we arrive at great misfortune,
Try not to be bitter.
Turn it into something positive,
And do not be a quitter.

And if we should meet a dead end,
Or if we should lose our way,
Know we can get back on track
And that tomorrow's a new day.

And if we don't know where we're going,
And we are filled with huge despair,
We can redraw our map of life,
And find our roads lead everywhere.


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DespairHopePositiveStuart Vanner

Positive or Negative

Which of these outlooks should one make?
What perceptive path is it right to take? -
To believe that fortune shall prevail?
Or that our hopes and dreams are sure to fail?

Should we look towards the side that's bright,
And that there's an end to our problems in sight?
Should we always look through rose-tinted specs?
Or believe gloom is what we should expect?

Is it better to expect the w...

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NegativePositiveStuart Vanner



Heavy is the head that wears the crown, 

Mine carries the burden of anxiety which weighs it down. 

Often my thoughts flood irrepressibly as I try to remain sound, 

But my fears anchor deeply, and I start to feel myself drown.


The rivers of solicitude and unease conflux, 

Flowing downstream into the dam acting as my emotional crutch.

It can no longer regulate this pressu...

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Be kind alwaysNever give upPositive

Everything Is Okay

Sleepless night, cold thoughts, 
with the hidden warm spots. 

Novel plans, scared mind, 
with the tight positive bind.

 Large world, little we, 
with the strong belief tree.
Inside us, heart and mind are having terror play, 
Where heart always scored high, With the point
''Everything Is Okay''. 

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short poemshort poetrypeacethe futurePOSITIVE

The Phoenix

I’ve weathered storms that I thought would drown me 

I’ve learnt to soar in winds I thought would consume me 


They say 

Out of the ashes must rise a new Phoenix 

The flame…


Being refined by fire

Through it, I’ll rise higher

The flames provide the fuel 

As I soar to my strength


Refined by fire

Gold purified 

A faith that stands.


By Faith Olaju...

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Reason to Stay

When sun comes against all odds

And the colours of life just pop

Or when the rain falls

It falls and falls

And you wet your lips

With piping hot tea

With warm biscuit

Savour the crumbs

Cosy and safe

In the arms of a jumper

The padding of the sofa,

Like a huge hug

Or when your face aches,

Your stomach vibrates

Because you are fighting to breathe

Through ...

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depressionsuicidepreventionpositivemental healthtomorrowchangeappreciatelifebeautymomentsmemoriesnostalgiahidden beauty

Soul Food

I think we get confused sometimes, in fact I know we do. 

The curious mind trying to find something exciting, something new. 

Losing sight of our paths, forgetting that... all of this? It's actually a part of our journey. 

I think we try too hard to understand. 

To comprehend

who, what, when, where, why... how? 

I think we forget to live in the now. 

I think we try too hard to...

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contemporaneous cold, 

in the winter of my agony 

july's heat long forgotten,

january's frost an eternal constant 

and yet 

one remembers, 

flowers bloom. 

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Faces are dull, lamps are lit, 
The room is black and I am alone, 
Dreaming something but reality is different, 
I don't know what's going to happen 

I didn't know what will I do 
Stand upon the stool
Or see in a mirror like a fool, 
But I said to myself, 'I have to be cool'

Nothing seems to be different, 
As I follow the same me, 
I have no difference nor glee in me.

Everyone has...

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