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Qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm [The World As I See It]

qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm is not allowed,

qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm enjoy cheap thrills,

qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, I’m well-endowed,

qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, a bottle of Pils,

qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, upon my knees,

qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, the seven seas.


qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, my boots did shine,

qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm the milky way,


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floodfoodliesthoughtplaydismaydanceGalway Baymilky waybootskneescheap thrills

In The Pines

Hey Reggie, did you see that, a plane streaking through the sky? Hey Reggie, did you hear that, a cat stalking in an alley way? No way he thought that cat don’t fly. No, the plane silly, the cat is in the alley way. Hey Faye, sing another one, the one about the skinny man lost in the desert sand. “Higgins L’Amour” I believe it’s called. Such a wonderful tune. The line, “The sun strikes thirty”, ge...

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Being Perfect!!!

You don't need to be Perfect,

You don't need to be the Best,

Just a Better version of Yourself,

Every Single Day...

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I am from water.
I am from breath.
I am from body.
I am from blood.
I am from heart.
I am from thought.
I am from life.

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characterlifemeditationoriginsselfthoughtall that I am


Wait,don’t give up

Wait, everything will be fine,

“Wait,be patient,” God tells you.

Your heart pounding hard

Your head spinning with thoughts 

“God,” you yell waiting is so hard

God says louder, “ wait and your promises will come true”

So you sit and listen 

You sit and wait 

Hoping, dreaming that his promises will come true soon


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It was a special speech:
...a part of the distinguished lecture series.

The Chemistry professor spoke on alternative corridors for a reaction to occur.

He exemplified how Manganese dioxide, when added to Hydrogen peroxide, yields water... ...hydrogen oxide.

The talk seemed insipid till he skillfully indicated
that Manganese dioxide remains untied with the reaction and can be recovered s...

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Dream Boat

Let the dreamless boy to cry 
If his wish to fly has gone 
How his tears going to dry 
If he stays far of sun

Ask dreamless boy be awake 
That the dream, is a part of us 
Tell him: "think of a better talk" 
And to change the dark glass 

Help dreamless boy to be here 
And clear his negative thought 
Once he comes to hear or share 
He will enjoy to dream in a boat 

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ask awakebetterboychangeclearcomecrydreamdreamlessdryenjoyflyglassgogonehelpherenegativepartsailsharestaysuntalktearstellthinkthoughtwith


Every time I think I have become enlightened and can handle anything, a new challenge shows up to test me. Whether it's toxicity in my body, family illness or death, rejection of a lover, friend, stranger, job, point of view, whatever... ego is the first to show up on the scene, like a paramedic giving CPR to revive my pride. Pride dies, only to come back a little weaker next round, like a cat wit...

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agapeawarenessconsciousnesscosmic beingenlightenedenlightenmentnamastenatural lawnew worldphilosophyprose poetrystoicismthought

Believe to Live


Be happy with what you have 
Then you will have what you hope 
Firmly, work and save 
Simply, you reach the top 


It depends on you more 
Than a reason or a cause 
Not because rich and poor 
Your brain, how much knows 


Do believe in God's Judging 
And gain your thought results 
God never asks a jumbling
But to be aware of the facts

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What If?

what if the sky was never blue

what if there was no morning dew

what if the tiger was green

what if all dogs were mean.


what if the water was air

what if all the snakes decided to care

what if the world was never round

what if we all were playing in the aliens background.


what if we never spoke

what if life were a joke

what if night was day

what if there ...

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Wandering mind broken down

perhaps one day i'l stop with this nonsense
but can you really escape your own fucking conscience?
Think future present past nothing will change unless you make it
when you see your chance you better take it
I should be wathcing the movie i paid to see
not worrying about my family
But unfortunately that's to much leisure
I deny myself that lovely pleasure

Who know's what you just might f...

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Wandering mind

I should be focussing on the task at hand

yet i don't because theirs more interesting thing's in my head

i should be watching the movie that i paid to see

but i don't because theirs stuff to worry about

I should enjoy the train ride home listening to music on my phone

but unfortunately that's to much leisure 

i must go back to thinking some more 

Lying awake in bed at night 


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Jellicle Identity

Jellicle Cats with their three names

The Common
The Unqiue
The Label

The I in which no one but "I" would know. A self inscribed name tag collar wrapped 'round in my keyboard cutthroat self inflicted mental recognition.


The Gay One?
The Stupid One?


Pollicle Dogs, with their bark BARK BARKING up and down t...

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Connor LannesIdentitythought



You don't pick a book to read,

It picks you, to be read!!

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Old & New

Shuttles soar with seemingly unprecendented motion.
The children's eyes gaze to the floor.
The ground is green and brown and yellow.
The world below cannot bellow.

Bellow whole-heartedly,
Sing and hum its' tune.
A melody, sweet melody.
A rotation for all of you.

Its' sweet chillness pressed against the nostrils,
Its' gentle warmth against the skin.
Allow the gaze of the star above,

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A Dream Come True

Feelings that once were hidden
Are now expressed to you.
Days that once were stormy
Are now the brightest blue.

Times that once were lonely
Are now filled with pleasure.
All that once was mine alone
Are now things we both treasure.

Nights that once were cold
Are now comforting and warm.
Fears that once were very real
Are now gone with the storm.

A heart that once was broken
Can ...

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Rain Men

White nights,

white nights...

I'm colourblind.

Kind of like to think I know

why we stand solid,

struck dumb by perennial sadness;

and the salient points,

burst like bubbles in smoked air;

clasped to the breast

that sinks as seconds lengthen

even beyond reason for purge.


Beyond the clouds that fall,

in spirals, now thick moistened rope;

we are given base,


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On the universe, thinking and string theory.

Walk down the street and stop to notice the 20 other people walking too. Consider, first these thoughts you have, now consider theirs too.

You know they are thinking, thinking of dinner, of work and of sex but you are merely an observer, a cognitive voyeur. You gaze at them through the telescope of your eye, and they just beyond that glass, are out of reach. 

You can never leave your own min...

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humanitythe universethought


There is one place of total privacy
To which you can escape and hide away
Your imagination.  Avoiding piracy
Your fears, for a while;  you can alay

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Light or dark

Light or dark

I've been here for quite some time, thinking of a poem or doing a rhyme 
as Im sitting at my desk, in my long pair of shorts an a tatty old vest
Thinking of the topic, of which I would write, will it be heavy or will it be light, 
will it be love, a passionate ode, or would be of struggle, and a desolate road, 
giving my self over, to the emotion I need
I'll let my pen find t...

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Thoughts Are Things

Thoughts are things

Not things that disappear when your mind is closed

Or a wave of energy that fades away

Oh no, thoughts are things

They’re here to stay


So when I see you face to face

I take that vision place to place

And when I’m tired and sleeping fast

That thought is with me in my dreams

Because thoughts are things

They’re here to stay



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I am not your cup of tea!



I may not be

your cup of tea

but I am your

bottle of rum --

most definitely...

so ease up that grip:

Stop strangling my neck.   


Let My liquid conflagration

scorch your lying condescension 

again and again and again.... without fail.   


If you but remember to be true  

to what lurks deep within you

I will assail your do...

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Bemused Rumination




the balm of barometric exuberance.
This night
no longer young, dissipates.

the dewy welcome of sun-quaffed green.
revive severed umbilical dreams.

the present with fleeting acumen.
ceases yet emerges again tomorrow.

the kindling of autumnal reticence.
genial kindnesses shall spring.


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