The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

thinking (Remove filter)

Telly belly

The evening wears on

While outside in the garden

Golden leaves cling on

The light is just right

For us to enjoy the night


Cradling a belly of joy

Not a girl or a boy

Crisps, dips and all the chocs

You are mine

A love on the rocks


Binging another show

In the warmth of the TVs glow

Mine is growing

increasing, expanding and showing


My telly bel...

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I think about you

I think about you 

I think about you on the good days 
when everything is going well
I want to share them with you, celebrate 
The first that comes to my mind is your name 

I think about you on the bad days 
when everything feels a little too much 
I could use your hugs, your touch 
Your warmth is the very thing that I need 

I think about you in the moments in between 
In the secon...

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Bigger than you

You should know better

Than to think you’re alone in this universe

You’ve seen breath come from nothing 

Animals evolve 

More complex than fathomable

Human species shapeshift and roam

With inventions inexplicable 

Grass, water, and life itself

Come to be 

And people like you 

Who all think different

And think they’re the only ones

Don’t assume you’re not connect...

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CorelistenguidebeliefUnitedkismetwiseknowingSpiritsoulfaithconnectedlifeworlduniverseintrospectionthinkingmysteryalivealiensplanbiggerselfdiscoveryopen mindbig picture

Evening hustle


I see Stars intruding locations between clouds in Misty formations. Trains chudder by as I gaze upon the first and last of tonight’s night sky. I gaze around so aimlessly and am always asking why. 


Distractions must enter and take me away. Allow me to see the beauty of each day. 

Taking me back to this moment right here. 


As the wildlife of this evening starts to becomes al...

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The Mind Of A Deep Thinker In What We Call Life

[ ] What is wrong & what is right? 

[ ] What is it to live & what is it to die?

[ ] Heaven is to glory; hell is to fry.

[ ] Good is telling truth; evil is to lie.

[ ] Manipulation & deceit takes one life.

[ ] It creates tension sharper than a knife. 

[ ] Hatred everywhere & of course strife, but evil feels good and I ask why?

[ ] Is it the free will to kill? Or t...

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deep poetrylifethinking

Twisted Semantics In A World Upside-down

A summer's Christmas,

A winter's Easter,

Sun blazed reflections,

Moon chilled features,

Decaying bright shadows,

Renewing dark radiance,

Exogenous void within',

Luminescently extraneous,

Lagging just to rush,

The constantly inconsistent,

Concealing joyous sorrows,

Being contiguously distant,

Thoughts resistantly flowing,

Nerves electrically static,


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backwards worldconfusedcontemplationcrazy worlddepressionfalliing skiesinsane worldLifepainsadnessSemanticsthinkingupisde down world

Will you be mind?

My time

Is not mine

But our time

You’ve made your bed in my dreams

I lie in it


this isn’t me


I would part with my skin

If it weren’t attached 

And never look back


Each night when I close my eyes for sleep

I see you in my head

Your feet poke out one side of your bed

And oh,

It makes me giddy for you

And so,

I end up crawling in bes...

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BrainmindsubconsciousattachedDistancedreamfeelingsheartbreakloveMissingMovingon my mindroutineSleepthinkingwake

Thoughts about Thought

Thought ought to be,

Pure, precise and princely.

Sadly, mostly,

It's a battered ball, but, bit, batted about,

Deformed - to conform - to today's haze.

Thus, inevitably, it's always somewhat crazed.

But still, thought ought to be.

So let me leave you with this one:

Where do yours come from?


A Definition

To think is

To sink into,

To link into,


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Myths and Wishful Thinking.

It's odd for me
To be down on my knees
Praying to a God
That I don't believe in

I asked him why
There's so much pain in my life
And the one bit of joy
Was cut off like a knife

I was angry and mad
Didn't expect a response
I was crying and yelling
In my little tiny house

I heard in my heart
The reason to be
That there wasn't a soul good enough
To fill the love that I need

He ...

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Starry Skies

{Starry Skies}


Rose's are red,
Violet's are blue,
the night starry
skies are shining
through you just 
like when I gaze 
into your starry 
twinkling burning
fiery eyes that is
intoxicating to resist
that always lights up 
my life 



©Tina Glover All Rights Reserved/ One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer October 3,2016 but posting here on February 23,2018 

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Poemthinkingthinking out loudshort poemsshort poetrylifelivingpoetrywriting short storieswriting out loudOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover

What Is This?

{What Is This?} 


What is this game we call life 

And how do you win 

And how do you survive 

And how do you make it out alive

And do we use pawns 

And do we have check mates 

And you say that my heart will do just fine

Or will this game we call life will I make it out alive 

And only in due time will tell me if I shall survive 


©Tina Glov...

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blogbloggerblogginglifelivingPoempoetryshort poemshort poetryOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glovershort storiesthinkingTina Gloverwritingwriting out loudwriting short stories



He loves me,
He loves me not,
I love him,
He loves me not,
I fought for us,
He didn't, 
I chased him,
He didn't chase me,
I saw the sparks in his eyes, 
I saw the way he looked at her,
I watched his body movement,
I watched him kiss her all of the time,
I've wrote a thousand songs for him,
I have sang a thousand songs for him,
I shipped a thousand feeling's to him,
But he...

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HimlifelivingTina Gloverlesson learnedloving himpoempoetrywritingshort storiesshort poemsshort poetryhurting heartsthinking out loudthinkingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover

Wandering mind

I should be focussing on the task at hand

yet i don't because theirs more interesting thing's in my head

i should be watching the movie that i paid to see

but i don't because theirs stuff to worry about

I should enjoy the train ride home listening to music on my phone

but unfortunately that's to much leisure 

i must go back to thinking some more 

Lying awake in bed at night 


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Erotic Naughty Poems

(Eroitc Naughty Poems)




He walks in from work with his shirt draping off his rock hard body that has me looking straight at him in his eyes while locking on with his eyes then I start to twist and bitting my tongue and lips while licking them wanting to taste his body on my lips and you can't take it anymore I get up walking over to him while doing a sexy stripper walk dance while...

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eroitc poemserotic poetryfictionfictionallearninglifelivinglove poemslove poetrylovers poemslustful poemsOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverPoempoetrysexual desires poemsstoriesthinkingthoughtswriting

Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #49 (Doobie-Doobie)

Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #49 (Doobie-Doobie) 





When the doobie-doobie drugs don't work any more girl you are just a fool if you think love don't hurt because hot damn it does that's why one more blow to sniff until I cannot breathe 

And when the doobie-doobie-doobie don't work any more as one more sniff and one more puff and popping one mor...

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drugsfictionfictionalhurtlifelivingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverpainpoempoemsPoetrystoriesthinkingthoughtsTina Gloverwriting

Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #13 {No Southern Belle's Or Gentleman Far As My Can See}

{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #13} {No Southern Belle's Or Gentleman Far As My Can See} 




If this is the

main street

where southern

belle's `n` 

gentleman are born

at please stand

them up in a

line for the

world to feel

pity for the


trashy redneck's

`n` hillbillies

which means

you too 



Because I

don't se...

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diary of the southern queenhumorousinspired by a blogger on WordPressjust for funno harm meantOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloveroutside inspirationpoempoetrythinkingthinking out loudthinking outloudTina Gloverwordy queenworldly inspirationwritingwriting short poemswriting short poetrywriting short stories

Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #9 {My Shawty}

{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #9} {My Shawty}




I am gaga for

you shawty 


there's no

body like my



shawty you

make me fall

for you `n` 

can't you see

what you are

doing to me as

I yell it to the

world around us 


my shawty

recuse me from

the cold darkened

waters that I

was drowning in 



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diary of the southern queenlifelivingloving himour love storyoutside inspirationpoempoetryshort poemthinkingthoughtsTina Gloverworldly inspirationwritingwriting short poetrywriting short storieswriting to write

You Best Let Me Know

{You Best Let Me Know} 



You best be letting me know something boy because I am sick and so tired of me waiting for you to show me that you want me and that you do need me and that you actually do love me for real and not your kind of fake love crap and boy you best be getting to showing me someone or someone else will show me that they need me and that they do love me and see it will ...

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poempoetrylifelivinglovinglove poemlove poetryTina GloverwritingthinkingthoughtsOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover

California~Birmingham Skies

{California~Birmingham Skies}



He was twisted up into the California skies always needing that extra special gift of love that would feel his ? heart with happiness for the rest of his day's on this planet but he painting his words of wisdom across the skies in California with the wanting to dedicating his self to this world the way he should have so long ago before his hair got all gr...

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carryingfriend'slivingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverpoempoetrythinkingthoughtsTina Gloverwritingwriting poetry

Baby No Hand's Needed

{Baby No Hand's Needed}



Baby no hands needed as I walk up on you then drop it to the floor in front of you while you are wanting to smack and grab my booty but I turn around saying no~no baby no hands needed as you are loving my rump shaker style because you are wylin on me while I'm dropping it like the newest stripper at the dance club classes shaking my salt shaker up and down rubb...

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desirableeroitceroitc poemerotic poetryfantasieslifelivinglovelustfulnaughty poemnaughty poetryOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverpoempoetrysexualsinfulstoriesthinkingthoughtsTina Glover

She's Trying

{She's Trying}


She's trying to forget: 

She's trying truly to

force herself to

forget about the


between them


She's trying so hard

to forget his voice 

She's trying to forget

how he made her laugh

even though she felt like

she's was dying on

the inside 

She's trying to forget

all the beautiful


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she's tryingshe's gonepoempoetrysadnesssad poemsad poetryTina GloverStoriesflash fictionfictionwritingthinking out loudthinkingthoughtspainhurtOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverlifelivingheart felt poemheart felt poetry

She Misses Him Badly

{She Misses Him Badly}



They shared something

so beautiful and something

so deep and true but that

was so truthful lustful love

affair ended to soon because

he didn't believe her so she

went on her way no matter

how much she cared or loved

him and so much she wanted

to stay but she knew that

they would only hurt each

other in the end and they

did bec...

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poempoetrystorieshurtpainTina Gloverwritingthinking out loudthoughtsthinkingsad poemsad poetryloveOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloversadness

She's Shy

{She's Shy} 



She's always been shy 

She's always

been tossed away

because of her


She's always

been hiding from

the surrounding

world around her

because of shyness 

She's always been

unseen, unnoticed,

unheard of because

 of bad case of


She wishes that

her shyness would

disappear one day

so she will be adored


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shynesspoemstoriesthinkingTina Gloversadnesshurtfearrejectionthoughtspoetrylivinglifepainsfear of rejection

Angry Quote #10

{Angry Quote #10} 



Ol` boy

if you



but a


on that









Meaning that's

as good as it gets} 






©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover originally written in August 3,2016 but posting here on 12/05/2017 all rights reserved 

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angry peopleangry quotehillbilly quotelifelivingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpoempoetryquoteredneck quotethinkingTina Gloverwriting

Conceit And Vanity Quote #1

{Conceit And Vanity Quote #1} 




was such

a stuck

up that




in a







©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover originally written in August 3,2016 but posting here 12/05/2017 all rights reserved

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quoteconceit and vanity quotepoemthoughtsthinkinglifestuck peopleOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloversadnesspoetryTina Gloverwriting

His Writing

{His Writing} 



His writing was leaving me wanting more of his countless thoughtful thinking of my writing style and his word's are still visitable to my eyes and it has me yearning, wanting to know more about this man that is kind with his wisdom that is beyond his golden year's that had me reviewing his word's of beauty that had placed a big smile upon my face and lit up my eyes with...

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friendship poemfriendship poetrylearningOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverpoempoetrythinkingthoughtsTina Gloverwriting

His Writing

{His Writing} 



His writing was leaving me wanting more of his countless thoughtful thinking of my writing style and his word's are still visitable to my eyes and it has me yearning, wanting to know more about this man that is kind with wisdom beyond his golden year's that had me reviewing his word's of beauty that had placed a big smile upon my face and lit up my eyes with starlets of...

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poempoetryfriendship poemfriendship poetrywritinglearningTina GloverthoughtsthinkingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover

Sometimes You Forget About Yourself

{Sometimes You Forget About Yourself} 



Sometimes you do 

 forget about 

yourself when you 

 are to busy 

 taking care of 

 someone else and 

 other people to 

 but always

 remember to take 

 a little time for 

 yourself and always

 remember about 

 yourself because 

 if you don't no

 one else will 






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One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpoempoetryquotethinkinglifelovestoriesrandom thoughtsrandomlythoughtsTina Gloverwriting

A Crime Of Loving Him

{A Crime Of Loving Him} 




If loving him

is a crime in

the eyes of 

the law well 

 go head 

lock me 

up and throw 

away that key 

because I am 

 as guilty as can be 





©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover 12/03/2017 all rights reserved 

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heart n soullovelove memelove quoteloving himmemeOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverpoempoetryQuotethinkingTina Gloverwriting

The Pain

{The Pain} 


There is pain in my? heart that always hurts so deep that it never departs from my aching? heart 



And it's the pain of us being apart 



A bad pain of our two heart's being so broken and torn apart 



That never makes it's final departure 





©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover 12/01/2017 all rights reserved

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getting byhurtlifelivinglove quoteslove quotes for himOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpainpoemsquotessad poemssad poetrysadnessthinkingthoughtsTina Glovertorn apartwriting

Sadness Has Stolen My ? Heart

{Sadness Has Stolen My ? Heart}




My ? heart is hurting so much beyond any word's I can ink down 



And the pain is tearing up my? heart and soul up 



And someone please tell me how I can retrieve it 



Because now the life filled with sadness of a lost love has forever stolen my? heart away 



And as I'm still trying to revive it today ...

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deep poemsOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverTina Gloverpoemspoetrydeep poetryheart feltheart felt poemsheart felt poetrylifelovesad poemssad poetrysadnessthinkingthoughtswritingwriting poetry

Don't Wait

{Don't Wait}


Don't wait until it's to late to tell someone how much you do love, miss them and how much you do care 



Because when they are gone no matter how loud you holler, yell, scream, shout and cry they won't be able to hear you anymore


Because it's to late because they are dead and gone 





©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover 12/...

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poempoetrylifelivingtearswritingthinkingquotesdeathsad poemssad poetrySilent Tears

He Told Her Today He Doesn't Love Her Anymore

{He Told Her Today He Doesn't Love Her Anymore} 


As she walked through the front door of their home he stands up and looks her in the face and says to her I no longer love you anymore as she took off running to the bathroom upstairs while he ran after her but she slam's the door in his face and then locks it as he knocks on the door saying I'm so sorry darling but he hears her sobbing insi...

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deep poetrydeep poemfeeling'sthinkingwritingsadnesswriting poetrylovelove for himlove for herlove poemslove poetry

Tears In Her Eye's

{Tears In Her Eye's} 


The tears in eye troubled sad eyes that flowed down her trouble worrisome cheeks as he laid beside her fast asleep as she slowly laid her head down on the wet pillows that was underneath her head without him even hearing her cry so as she cried and wepted for him because even though he laid beside of her she felt like she was alone in their bed and like what did I do ...

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poempoetrysad poemssad poetrysadnessSilent Tearstearsthinkingthoughtswriting

I Was Born This Way

{I Was Born This Way}


I was born this way 


I love my native heritage with touch of country class with southern sass



So don't hate me for being born this way 



And I'll be walking that long country mile 



And I thank God made me this way 



#Cherokee~Nation #Country~Thang #Southern~Sass






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born this wayCherokee Nationcountry sasslifepoempoetrySouthern Sassthinkingwriting




Hillbillies we are now entering the estate of losing our hillbilly head's as we are gonna be the one's standing tall at the end as we watch the world fall like sickened weakened match stick's being broken at the nation's expense as we as hillbillies by our blood we shall shed all the other one's not worthy of life and you call us white trash but far from that because we are t...

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fictionfictional characterfictional piecehillbilliesour worldpoempoetrythinkingwriting

Country Is How I Live My Life

{Country Is How I Live My Life} 


I live my life straight up pure country and if you need me I'll be out getting it done 


While you are eating my dust in the evening sun because I love to work but I play even harder 



While you are treading in my ever essence of what could have been or what you could've had 



Because your once queen is doing her own thing an...

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ex'snew bundle of joyOld lovespoempoetrythinkingwriting

I Did Once Love Him

{I Did Once Love Him} 


It seems like a million year's ago now that I did love him but the everescents of his memory lingers with me today the ? heartache never seems to disappear from my world as this isn't what I expected in the end but I guess it wasn't never a guaranteed any more than he gave me which was nothing but endless heartaches and in the end it was a bad hurtful dream that is s...

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broken heart'shurtkilling me slowlylieslovepainpoempoetrythinkingwriting

Feeling's Of Being Stalked

{Feeling's Of Being Stalked}


People in our society thinks it's okay to say they have a romantic relationship when you are stalking them showing up at certain places that they are at and then lurking around their homes or job 



And would you please tell me if that's not stalking I'll kiss your assets~{ass} 



Because you are crazier than I thought in the first place 


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fictionfictional characterPoempoetrystalkersstalkingthinkingthoughtswriting

My Chiari Journey

{My Chiari Journey} 



 My Chiari journey hasn't been easy~peasy but it's a journey I have never had to walk alone but I have always been chiari strong as the day's are long and as my conquering journey continues on




 ©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover 11/29/2017 all rights reserved

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awareness 4 chiariOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverTina Gloverpoemspoetrycure chiarilifelivingthinkingwriting

A Cloud of Cognizance (October '17)

A skull, abundant with nebulae

Cold waves crash upon the heart

Echoing through the veins and beyond

There she remains, inert in her behavior

Acclimated with these surges of pain

Leering at the screen before her

Acumen floating above curls that betray

A cloud of cognizance

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Cooling Towers

Parking the car
out by the cooling towers
breathe the quiet in
lit by the moon
not going anywhere

Thinking on
all those sad miles behind me...

Remember when we were nineteen
kissing in the back seat
tucked into the kerb
lit by our lust
not going anywhere

Thinking on
all those mad miles behind me...

When we were nineteen
everything was a fire
everything was flame
but everyt...

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Passions of the Soul

Passions of the Soul

Like a lighthouse set on rocky shores

we gaze at the world within our sight

with scant regard for any cause;

indifferent as the mosquito's flight,

and chatter gaily over tea or beer

on friendship, crime, or the next career.


But I am ego: I stand alone,

a moral agent in time and tide.

With resolution I keep my own

counsel; hermit-like, my thou...

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Alexandriaeyesflightgazelighthousemoral agentthinking

Post Meditation

I grow the interest to know who thinks me,

I am still and silent at first,

The breath moves, I am given life,

I am in it, of it and with it,

The same as you, I am


I notice that my form is a vessel,

But I am not my form,

My thoughts run like programs

But I am not my thoughts

my emotions are felt deeply

But I am not my emotions


My body a sensory interpreter


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Meditationthinkinginterestspiritspiritualitylifemy life

Poetry mix


Time goes on

The world does too

Our Nature grows and dies

Our technology expands and flies

We manifest and destroy

To make ends meet

Even with passing days

We forget about the increasing heat

Or the decreasing ice sheets

Nothing seems important

To global tyrants and corporations

But money and power

At the cost of decreasing our showers

We accept it whic...

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A star collapses

She speaks up for the thousandth time,

when it's easier to keep quiet.

A star who says what's is in her soul

when you respond with your mouth.

A shard of silver pain in her heart.

But they have no idea.


You say the first thing in your head,

collapse her nebulous boundaries.

She’s a people pleaser, easily moved

by those who would like her to fall.

A nebula that ca...

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Nervous -- 07/2015





Run until you can't stop

Go before your bubble pops



Short and deep

How can this be?


Just wait and see

Nice and easy

One step at a time

It'll all be fine





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I awoke with the lingering vibrations of un-human dreams.

You were the first and only thing I thought of

I know that's special, because after diving into the depth of my spirituality

I don't think of anything human.

As if my brain is hazed 

Preserving itself for the great

Nothing penetrates

...but there you are

If I could force this onto you

Breathe this satisfying and l...

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subconcious thoughtlovethinking

The Budding Senescent

The Budding of the Senescent



When you reach the forgotten age
like 45, between 40 & 50
you realise that you need someone
by your side to remind you
that it isn't who you're with
but what you feel in your heart
they say life begins at 40
they also say that it's the mid life crisis

for sure you're no longer young
and for sure have not attained seniority eithe...

Read more …


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