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masquerade (Remove filter)


Time to pack up and walk now
And take what is yours
You have played along and smiled at them
Goodbye now close the doors
They seen you struggle and watched you fall and observed your patterns and ways
You lifted them and made them laugh their vibrations you would raise
The truth it shines a light on you and those who you attract
Not everyone is ready show their truths infact
A select ...

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masqueradetake back your powershine

Aren't We?

Blessed be the silver spoons
Which feed us till we’re replete.
Blessed be the dream-filled moons
Which oversee us with glee.
Ambitious, aren’t we?
The moons illume 
A thousand seas
And take us to 
Places and people unseen.
Vagabonds, aren’t we? 
We hold the power to love and seduce,
To ensnare and release
These people and places till insanity ensues,
Till blooming roses fuse into debr...

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